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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 9

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Seminar av Pierre Chymkowitch fra Oslo universitetssykehus: "Adaptive regulation of transcription to maintain cellular homeostasis and identity".

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Seminar av Bernd Thiede fra Institutt for biovitenskap, Universitetet i Oslo: "Protein species". (Merk ny dag og tid!)

Tid og sted: , Room 3508

By Halvor Knutsen, Institute for Marine Research & Centre for Coastal Research (CCR), University of Agder

Tid og sted: , Room 3508

By Arild Johnsen, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo

Tid og sted: , Room 3508

By Siri Fjellheim from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences 

MSc Sissel Hauge at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Targeting cancer cells through inhibition of cell cycle checkpoint kinases for the degree of PhD.

MSc Sissel Hauge ved Institutt for Biovitenskap vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden PhD: Targeting cancer cells through inhibition of cell cycle checkpoint kinases

MSc Sissel Hauge ved Institutt for Biovitenskap avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Targeted therapy; challenges, status and future perspective.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, The Kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Torben Lode at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Anxious copepods in the Anthropocene: interactive effects of biotic stressors on contaminant responses for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

MSc Torben Lode ved Institutt for Biovitenskap vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden PhD: Anxious copepods in the Anthropocene: interactive effects of biotic stressors on contaminant responses

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

MSc Torben Lode ved Institutt for Biovitenskap avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Interaction between climate change and environmental pollution in Norwegian seas.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts four guest lectures on Marine Evolutionary Genomics on Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts four guest lectures on Marine Evolutionary Genomics on Monday 9 December and Tuesday 10 December

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, room 2203A

"The human iPS Cell Proteome in Health & Disease"

Prof. Angus Lamond (Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee)

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Bikuben - Nucleus

"Linking cell biology to pathogenesis in a simian model for HIV infection"

Prof. Mark Marsh (Director - MRC-Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology University College London)

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus

Årets BIO-konferanse handler om livets opprinnelse.

Tid og sted: , The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, Oslo

A conference covering topics Nils Chr. Stenseth has worked on. Open to whoever would like to attend. Please register!

Tid og sted: , Room 3508, The Kristine Bonnevie building

Lectures on: "Harnessing natural diversity to discover the rules of flower color evolution" and "Possible bias toward micro- and macroevolutionary conservation by developmental systems"

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Gjesteforelesning av Jonathan Stecyk fra University of Alaska Anchorage: "Cardiovascular Function in Vertebrates that Survive with Little to No Oxygen".

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Gjesteforelesning av Øyvind Øverli fra Veterinærhøgskolen: "Host phenotype manipulation by parasites".

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Seminar av Sjannie Lefevre Nilsson fra Institutt for biovitenskap: "Living without oxygen - the case of the crucian carp".

MSc Eivind Hasvik at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Lumbar radicular pain and disc herniation: Genetic factors, pathophysiological mechanisms and pain assessments for the degree of PhD.

MSc Eivind Hasvik ved Institutt for Biovitenskap vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden PhD: Lumbar radicular pain and disc herniation: Genetic factors, pathophysiological mechanisms and pain assessments

MSc Eivind Hasvik ved Institutt for Biovitenskap avholder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne: Clinical management of patients with lumbar radiculopathy in primary care.

Tid og sted: , Litteraturhuset, Sal: Amalie Skram

Norske forskere tar nå opp arven etter Nansen og utforsker økosystemene i de arktiske havområdene. Hvorfor gjør de det? Hva venter de å finne? Hvilke lange tradisjoner bygger denne forskningen på?