Hagen: The Garden

In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, my upcoming Plant Systematics course, and the spring fever epidemic that is catching in Oslo, here is something a bit greener. I present, Hagen (the garden), an assortment of pictures taken during the beginning of the Fall Semester just outside of the KB Hus. Enjoy!

Urtehagen (the herb garden) in late summer. Photo: Ann Evankow

This is the state of things in the garden now.

There are only a few flowers popping up around Oslo...

Including some Crocuses (krokus), in the Iris family, Iridaceae.

This was last August.

Potentilla sp., of the Rose family, Rosaceae.

With a visitor, perhaps Apis mellifera, a honey bee.

Some of the flowers in the garden are immense.

And very attractive.

Centaurea macrocephala, Giant Knapweed (Kjempeknoppurt).

Yumm, pollen and nectar. The bumble bee may be

  "mørk jordhumle", a common species in Norway.


This flower is the size of my hand!

Common hollycock, Althaea rosea.

Centaurea cyanus.

Same genus as giant knapweed, very different attractive display.

Clinopodium grandiflorum, in the Mint family, Lamiaceae.

I am fond of the Euphorbia genus after visiting Nambia.

Rhinos like to eat them.

Watch out!

Purple Loosestrife (Kattehale), Lythrum salicaria, is on the loose!

(at least in the United States and New Zealand).

This species is native to Europe.

Hypericum perforatum, St. John's Wort,

used to combat depression. This flower certainly cheers me up.

And last but not least, something sweet! ~Stevia.


Published Mar. 17, 2014 10:49 PM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2014 9:22 AM
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