Why Oslo?

Oslo, Norway is a small city of 600 thousand, nestled at the top of a fjord (aptly named Oslofjord).Why am I here? Like most things in biology, there is no simple answer. Here is my abbreviated story, synthesized into three main bullets…

Oslo Rådhus (city hall). Oslofjord Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Finn Bjorklid

Scandinavia`s alluring reputation

Geirangerfjord Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Andreas Trepte 

Neither my husband nor I had been to Norway when he was offered a job as a Carbon Market Analyst with Thomson Reuters in Oslo. Before coming to Norway, all we knew was that it was a beautiful, northern country full of fjords, mountains (we hadn’t heard about the Trolls yet!) and there would be endless opportunities to be outside, even in the cold, dark winter.

Cross-country culture

Dad, brother and Annie, spring skiing!

My dad, brother and I, Spring skiing.

Going off of the last point… there was one thing I knew for sure: Norway is the heart of cross-country skiing. Norwegians are said to be born with skis on their feet!  (I have yet to disprove this hypothesis.) Skiing is fun, excellent exercise and provides for fabulous adventuring during the long winters. In fact it`s still October, and I can`t wait for snow!

Marine biology: a land by the sea


Diver with Kelp in Lofoten, Photo: Michael Braunstein

As soon as I decided to move to Norway, I began to investigate research opportunities related to my undergraduate studies in plant physiology and marine macrophytes. I visited professors at the University of Oslo and quickly decided Norway was an exceptional place to continue my education and career as a research biologist.

Published Oct. 9, 2013 2:24 PM - Last modified Apr. 26, 2023 1:26 PM
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