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Tidligere arrangementer - Side 8

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom Pollen (3203), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Connectivity between the Perirhinal Cortex and Visual Area 2

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3508 Bonnevie, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Ludovic Orlando, University of Toulouse, France (Notice the time!)

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom Pollen (3203), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Screening for Compounds that Can Alter Unfolded Protein Response Activity in Prostate Cancer Cells

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, seminarrom Hjort 4512

Kartlegging av makroalger og assosiert fauna sør i Jomfruland nasjonalpark

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, seminarrom Hjort 4512

Anatomical constraints on venom and toxin evolution in centipedes

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom Pollen (3203), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Functional characterization of GCN2 and PKR in prostate cancer cells using human and mouse preclinical models

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, seminarrom 3315 (Terrarium)

Patterns of hAT transposable element insertions linked to chromosomal inversions in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

PhD candidate Lourdes Martínez García at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Shadows of the past, a life through fisheries and climate change: Historical patterns in the evolution, demography and distribution of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, The Kristine Bonnevie building

PhD candidate Ann-Christin Sannes at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "The influence of psychosocial stressors, genetic variability, and gender on subjective health complaints  - Abusive supervision, genetics, and health complaints" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3315 Terrarium, Kristine Bonnevies hus
Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, seminarrom Hjort 4512

Organic matter and iron along a transect from the deep forest to outer Oslofjord.

PhD candidate Yupeng Zhang at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Investigation of methylome, transcriptome and phenotypic changes induced by temperature during asexual and sexual reproduction in the woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca)" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3315 Terrarium, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Craig R. Primmer from the University of Helsinki, Finland

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Eivind Undheim will be presenting exciting research on ant venoms and toxins.

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom Pollen (3203), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Social Stress, Genetics and Nervousness

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3315 Terrarium, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Remapping Oslo: 40 years of vegetation change in Holmenkollen, Grefsen and Grorud

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Carson 4619

Estimating perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and perfluorooctanoic acid levels from delivery to early adolescence: A two-generational physiologically-based pharmacokinetic model for perfluorinated compounds

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, The Kristine Bonnevie building

PhD candidate Nils-Jørgen Knudsen Dal at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Tuberculosis, Nanomedicine & the Zebrafish Bridging the gap between in vitro and in vivo models" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , EVOGENE Seminar room 4213

Professor Douglas Yu: Managing biodiversity with eDNA: leeches, forests, and institutional innovation

Tid og sted: , Greenhouse / 3215

Late Lunch Talk by José Cerca

Tid og sted: , Room 3328 (Aviary) and on Zoom

This week we discuss a recently published paper by Dona et al. (2022), on ball rolling by bumble bees and animal play criteria.

Tid og sted: , Auditoriet Lids hus NHM (Botanisk museum).

Accumulation of hybrid incompatibilities within two plant species (Arabis alpina and Cardamine hirsuta)

Det er 200 år siden Gregor Johann Mendel ble født og BIO-konferansen 2022 vil markere dette. Mendel er med rette kalt «genetikkens far» og årets konferanse vil vise hvor vi står i dag.

Tid og sted: , Seminarrom 3508, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Identification of multiple chromosomal inversions in Arctic cod (Arctogadus glacialis) – and its putative implications for defining interspecies relationships

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, The Kristine Bonnevie building

PhD candidate Lina Allesson at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "CO2:O2 balance in boreal freshwaters in a changing climate" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts five guest lectures on Terrestrial Ecology on Tuesday 25 October and Thursday 27 October. Today: Inger Maren Rivrud and Martin Lind.

Lectures by Anders Bryn, Jinwon Kim, and Frans-Jan Parmentier. Open for all.

Tid og sted: , Bikuben

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where there will be talks by Prof. Eirik Frengen (Depart. Medical Genetics, Univ. Oslo and Oslo University Hospital) and Dr. Francisco Yanguas Samaniego (Progida Group, FYSCELL, IBV)

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

IBV hosts five guest lectures on Terrestrial Ecology on Tuesday 25 October and Thursday 27 October. Today: Mark Ravinet, Aline Magdalena Lee and Stephen De Lisle.

PhD candidate Camilla Lo Cascio Sætre at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Genomic and phenotypic consequences of range  expansion and colonisation" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3315 Terrarium

By Roger Pielke Jr. from University of Colorado Boulder, USA. Note the time: 12.15.

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Hjort 4512

DNA-skade i blodceller fra torsk (Gadus morhua) og hvitting (Merlangius merlangus) fra to områder

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Sars 4613

Cell Fate Maintenance and Reprogramming During the Oocyte-to-Embryo Transition

Tid og sted: , Rikshospitalet, møterom D1 2043

Establishing Methods for The Detection of Fetal Microchimerism

Tid og sted: , Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus, Blindernveien 31

Dear all CEES members: We are pleased to invite you to the CEES Annual Student Conference. Everyone affiliated with CEES (students, staff and guests), should attend the conference. The programme and abstracts are available.

Tid og sted: , Bikuben

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where there will be a talk by Dr. Suman Kumar (Ciosk group, BMB).

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Hjort 4512

Comparison of life history strategies in monokaryotic versus dikaryotic growth stages of fungi

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Hjort 4512

Differences in variation of phenotypic trait expression between the heterogametic and the homogametic sex and its genetic basis

PhD candidate Angélica María Cuevas Pulido at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "The evolutionary fate of a hybrid lineage - The potential for genomic differentiation in an admixed species" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , EVOGENE Seminarroom 4213

Prof. Jesús Javier Ojeda (UK): Microplastics: examples of sampling methods, sample preparation and analysis

PhD candidate Nadeem Joudeh at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Escherichia coli-mediated palladium nanoparticle synthesis" for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , CINPLAs møterom (2621), Kristine Bonnevies hus

Effects of testosterone treatment on muscle fiber properties in an inducible mouse myonuclear knockout model