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Gjesteforelesninger og seminarer



Kunstig intelligens (AI) og maskinlæring (ML) som verktøy innen evolusjonær biologi. Med Mackenzie Mathis og Matteo Fumagalli.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 1, Helga Engs hus

Professor Emmanuelle Charpentier er nominert av Institutt for biovitenskap til æresdoktor ved Universitetet i Oslo i 2024, og hun vil i den anledning gi en gjesteforelesning ved Institutt for biovitenskap mandag 2. september.


Tid og sted: , 3215 Greenhouse, Kristine Bonnevies hus, Blindern

By Camilla Wikenros from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, and Stein Joar Hegland from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies Hus

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Prof. Tobias Lenzfrom from the University of Hamburg and Assist. Prof. Ilana Berlin from the Leiden University Medical Center.

Tid og sted: , 3215 Greenhouse, Kristinbe Bonnevie's hus, Blindern

By Mick Westbury, the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

Diet variability in Norwegian killer whales (Orcinus orca): Evidence from quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) and mercury levels

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

Effect of global changes on marine copepods: Influence of pyrene or salinity on thermal tipping points

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

Physiological and genotoxic effects of imidacloprid and temperature on the springtail Hypogastrura viatica

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

PhD candidate Sabrina Schultze at the Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis 'From the land to the sea: Dynamics and ecotoxicological implications of rising levels of terrestrially derived organic matter entering river and fjord systems' for the degree of PhD.

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Hjort 4512

A scientific dive into meromictic lakes - Microbes and stratification as determinants of greenhouse gases

Tid og sted: , Room 4424 H.H. Gran, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Mirco Bundshu, Head of the iES Landau, from the Institute for Environmental Sciences, Germany

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Arrangementet er åpent for alle interesserte. Temaene inkluderer: Vitenskapelige foredrag av medlemmer av EMBO-fellesskapet, informasjon om finansieringsmuligheter for livsvitenskap i Norge, initiativer innen vitenskapelig publisering og Open Science. Vennligst registrer deg for å delta.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

At this seminar there will be four 20 minutes lectures by Isabel Barrio, Mathilde Defourneaux, Stefaniya Kamenova and James Speed. Organised by CEES, this seminar is open for all.

Tid og sted: , 3508 Bonnevie, Kristine Bonnevies hus, Blindern

By Craig Primmer from the University of Helsinki, and Josefin Stiller from the University of Copenhagen

Tid og sted: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Professor Adriana Sánchez from Universidad del Rosario in Colombia.

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 3508 Bonnevie, Kristine Bonnevies hus

By Dorte Bekkevold, Senior Researcher at National Institute for Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark

Tid og sted: , Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78, 0271 Oslo & Digital event

This workshop will feature talks from esteemed scientists, covering topics such as zoonoses, spread of infectious diseases, animal movement and more. Registration to attend the event at the Academy is closed, but you can follow the event via streaming.

Tid og sted: , Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78, 0271 Oslo

På denne workshopen blir det foredrag fra anerkjente forskere, som dekker temaer som zoonoser, spredning av smittsomme sykdommer med mer. Påmelding for å delta på Akademiet er stengt, men du kan følge arrangementet via strømming.

Tid og sted: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus & Zoom

At this seminar there will be three 30 minute lectures by Peter Hudson, Ottar N. Bjørnstad, and Andy Dobson. Organized by CEES & Centre for Pandemics and One-Health Research (P1H). The seminar is open for all.

By Sonia Altizer, Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens GA, USA. The seminar is open for all.

Tid og sted: , 3508 Kristine Bonnevie, Blindern

By Sean Stankowski, The University of Sussex, UK 

Tid og sted: , 3508 Kristine Bonnevie, Blindern

By Thorsten Reusch, from GEOMAR Kiel, Germany

Tid og sted: , Kristine Bonnevies Hus, Sanger (3213)

Welcome to the next seminar of the semester, where we will host a talk by Oda Hovet (PhD candidate, Progida Group, Paulsen Group, EVOGENE, IBV).

Tid og sted: , 3215 Greenhouse, Blindern

By Assistant Professor Dr. Emiliano Trucchi from the University of Ancona, Italy

Tid og sted: , 3215 Greenhouse, Blindern

By Rosemary Gillespie and George Roderick from the University of California Berkeley, USA