Webpages tagged with «Universal Design»

Published May 31, 2022 10:25 PM

Robots, being physical and digital, must adhere to different sets of guidelines if they are to be universally designed. Which
guidelines are necessary for the universal design of a robot, and how can we evaluate a robot to see if it is universally designed?
This project aims at examining existing guidelines to see how they apply to robots, discussing with potential users of robots in
different user cases, devising a method for evaluating robots, and using this method to evaluate several robots.

Bokhylle med Bob Dylan album - no direction home.
Published Mar. 15, 2019 9:34 AM

IN-KLU er ikke et fag.  Dette er ikke en invitasjon.  Dette er vårens utfordring til å lage en podcast om Universell Utforming og Inkludering.


Utfordring: lage podcast på opp til 30 minutter + “readme” med tekst, bilder, video eventuelt noe om prosessen.

Frist: onsdag 15 mai 2019

Jury: Ja

To klasser:  1. Åpen klasse (alle).  2. IfI studenter og ansatte.

Priser:  Gavekort på totalt 25.000 kr, utdeling mandag 3 juni 2019.

Publisering: UDfeed + andre steder.

Kontakt: in-klu@ifi.uio.no


Winner podcast on Universal Design is available here (only in Norwegian). 

Published May 23, 2018 10:19 AM

Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) from United Nations refers to the inclusion and quality of education. This implies providing equal access to all levels of education. The main focus has been on inclusion and accessibility through universal design with a focus on disabilities. We wish to explore the role of inclusion in human-computer interaction (HCI) of digital learning environments with equal access and rights to participate in design and use with a broad focus on disabilities, i.e., inclusion throughout the design process, for learners of all ages, in situations of learning and knowledge development. Digital learning environments are tools employed in educational institutions (from schools to higher education) for teaching and learning purposes, but also in workplaces, edutainment, and e-commerce to support non-routine tasks and complex problem solving. More specifically we ask for positions papers representing different viewpoints on inclusion in education through issues, methods and stories obtained from design experiences and/or from empirical studies in use of digital learning environments, hoping to recruit a diverse group of participants, presenting and discussing examples of failures and/or successes of inclusion in education with technology.

Published Dec. 9, 2016 11:49 AM