Contact Channels

There are two email lists that cut across the individual research groups within the Section for Machine Learning:

  • mls-all: All Members (Employees and Guests)
  • mls-staff: Permanent Staff (Academic or Technical)

These addresses feed into corresponding mailing lists for each of the research groups.  Thus, anyone (at the section) who is not receiving email through these lists, please make contact with your group manager.  Archives of the MLS mailing lists are available to all local users (i.e. when logged in using your UiO credentials).

Additionally, the section management team (comprised of the five group managers and the section managers) can be reached via the alias mls-management, and there is a general opt-in mailing list for the MLS research seminar.

An archive of public materials is maintained on the UiO installation of Microsoft GitHub, including meeting minutes (in English) from the monthly section forum meetings of the management team.


By Stephan Oepen
Published May 11, 2020 2:49 PM - Last modified June 14, 2020 5:16 PM