SEC - Digital Security

Publications 2012-2023


A framework for analyzing authentication risks in account networks. Pöhn, Daniela; Gruschka, Nils; Ziegler, Leonhard & Büttner, Andre. 2023, Computers & Security. (Academic article)

Business Language for Information Security. Tran, Dinh Uy & Jøsang, Audun. 2023, None. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

CyberNFTs: conceptualising a decentralised and reward-driven intrusion detection system with ML. Selimi, Synim; Rexha, Blerim & Vishi, Kamer. 2023, International Journal of Information and Computer Security. (Academic article)

Enhancing JWT Authentication and Authorization in Web Applications Based on User Behavior History. Bucko, Ahmet; Vishi, Kamer; Krasniqi, Bujar & Rexha, Blerim. 2023, Computers. (Academic article)

Interactive Web-Based Visual Analysis on Network Traffic Data. Jeong, Dong Hyun; Cho, Jin-Hee; Chen, Feng; Kaplan, Lance; Jøsang, Audun & Ji, Soo-Yeon. 2023, Information. (Academic article)

Modelling penetration testing with reinforcement learning using capture-the-flag challenges: Trade-offs between model-free learning and a priori knowledge. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo & Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor. 2023, IET Information Security. (Academic article)

Protecting FIDO Extensions Against Man-in-the-Middle Attacks. Büttner, Andre & Gruschka, Nils. 2023, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Simulating all archetypes of SQL injection vulnerability exploitation using reinforcement learning agents. Sommervoll, Åvald Åslaugson; Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor & Zennaro, Fabio Massimo. 2023, International Journal of Information Security. (Academic article)


A Policy Language to Capture Compliance of Data Protection Requirements. Baramashetru, Chinmayi; Tapia Tarifa, Silvia Lizeth; Owe, Olaf & Gruschka, Nils. 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Attacking Power Grid Substations: An Experiment Demonstrating How to Attack the SCADA Protocol IEC 60870-5-104. Erdodi, Laszlo; Kaliyar, Pallavi; Houmb, Siv Hilde; Akbarzadeh, Aida & Waltoft-Olsen, Andrè Jung. 2022, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Digital security in the Norwegian power systems' supply chains. Moen, Sina Rebekka; Selnes, Sigrid Haug; Hagen, Janne Merete & Njå, Ove. 2022, Research Publishing Services. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Enhancing Burp Suite with Machine Learning Extension for Vulnerability Assessment of Web Applications. Thaqi, Rrezearta; Vishi, Kamer & Rexha, Blerim. 2022, Journal of Applied Security Research. (Academic article)

Information Security Posture to Organize and Communicate the Information Security Governance Program. Tran, Dinh Uy & Jøsang, Audun. 2022, Academic Conferences International (ACI). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

LIST: Lightweight Solutions for Securing IoT Devices against Mirai Malware Attack. Kaliyar, Pallavi; Erdodi, Laszlo & Katsikas, Sokratis. 2022, International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Multi-Account Dashboard for Authentication Dependency Analysis. Pöhn, Daniela; Gruschka, Nils & Ziegler, Leonhard. 2022, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Selecting and Training Young Cyber Talent: A Recurrent European Cyber Security Challenge Case Study. Yamin, Muhammad Mudassar; Erdodi, Laszlo Tibor; Torseth, Espen & Katt, Basel. 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

The Effect of Regulation and Audits on Implementation of Cybersecurity Controls in Norwegian Grid Companies.. Storm, Jon-Martin; Hagen, Janne Merete & Selnes, Sigrid Haug. 2022, Research Publishing Services. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


Machine Learning for Offensive Cyber Operations. Sommervoll, Åvald Åslaugson & Jøsang, Audun. 2021, NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. (Article in business/trade/industry journal)

A new decision making model based on Rank Centrality for GDM with fuzzy preference relations. Yazidi, Anis; Ivanovska, Magdalena; Zennaro, Fabio Massimo; Lind, Pedro & Viedma, Enrique Herrera. 2021, European Journal of Operational Research. (Academic article)

Attack Analysis of Face Recognition Authentication Systems Using Fast Gradient Sign Method. Musa, Arbena; Vishi, Kamer & Rexha, Blerim. 2021, Applied Artificial Intelligence. (Academic article)

Cheat Detection In Cyber Security Capture The Flag Games - An Automated Cyber Threat Hunting Approach. Chetwyn, Robert Andrew & Erdodi, Laszlo. 2021, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (Academic article)

Emerging Biometric Modalities and their Use: Loopholes in the Terminology of the GDPR and Resulting Privacy Risks. Bisztray, Tamas; Gruschka, Nils; Bourlai, Thirimachos & Fritsch, Lothar. 2021, Gesellschaft für Informatik. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Enhancing FIDO Transaction Confirmation with Structured Data Formats. Büttner, Andre & Gruschka, Nils. 2021, NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. (Academic article)

Extraction and Accumulation of Identity Attributes from the Internet of Things. Fritsch, Lothar & Gruschka, Nils. 2021, Gesellschaft für Informatik. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Informasjonssikkerhet: Teori og praksis . Jøsang, Audun. 2021, Universitetsforlaget. (Textbook)

Less is Often More: Header Whitelisting as Semantic Gap Mitigation in HTTP-Based Software Systems. Büttner, Andre; Nguyen, Hoai Viet; Gruschka, Nils & Lo Iacono, Luigi. 2021, Springer Nature. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Preface. Gruschka, Nils; Antunes, Luís Filipe Coelho; Rannenberg, Kai & Drogkaris, Prokopios. 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Editoral)

Preface. Jøsang, Audun; Futcher, Lynn & Hagen, Janne Merete. 2021, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (Editoral)

Representing Data Protection Aspects in Process Models by Coloring. Windrich, Melanie; Speck, Andreas & Gruschka, Nils. 2021, Springer Nature. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Simulating SQL injection vulnerability exploitation using Q-learning reinforcement learning agents. Erdodi, Laszlo; Sommervoll, Åvald Åslaugson & Zennaro, Fabio Massimo. 2021, Journal of Information Security and Applications. (Academic article)

The Agent Web Model - Modelling web hacking for reinforcement learning. Erdodi, Laszlo & Zennaro, Fabio Massimo. 2021, International Journal of Information Security. (Academic article)

Threat Actor Type Inference and Characterization within Cyber Threat Intelligence . Mavroeidis, Vasileios; Hohimer, Ryan; Casey, Tim & Jøsang, Audun. 2021, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


A nonproprietary language for the command and control of cyber defenses – OpenC2. Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Brule, Joe. 2020, Computers & Security. (Academic article)

A Nonproprietary Language for the Command and Control of CyberDefenses - OpenC2. Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Brule, Joe. 2020, Computers & Security. (Article in business/trade/industry journal)

Analyzing and Storing Network Intrusion Detection Data Using Bayesian Coresets: A Preliminary Study in Offline and Streaming Settings. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo. 2020, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Data Protection Impact Assessment in Identity Control Management with a Focus on Biometrics. Bisztray, Tamas; Gruschka, Nils; Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Fritsch, Lothar. 2020, Gesellschaft für Informatik. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Examining the "Known Truths" in Cyber Threat Intelligence – The Case of STIX. Bromander, Siri; Muller, Lilly Pijnenburg; Eian, Martin & Jøsang, Audun. 2020, None. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Exploitation vs. Prevention: The ongoing saga of software vulnerabilities. Erdodi, Laszlo & Jøsang, Audun. 2020, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. (Academic article)

Threat Poker: Gamification of Secure Agile. Jøsang, Audun; Stray, Viktoria & Rygge, Hanne. 2020, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Using Subjective Logic to Estimate Uncertainty in Multi-Armed Bandit Problems. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo & Jøsang, Audun. 2020, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


An empirical evaluation of the approximation of subjective logic operators using Monte Carlo simulations. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo; Ivanovska, Magdalena & Jøsang, Audun. 2019, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. (Academic article)

Belief Mosaics of Subjective Opinions. Jøsang, Audun. 2019, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Counterfactually Fair Prediction Using Multiple Causal Models. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo & Ivanovska, Magdalena. 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Even Turing Should Sometimes Not Be Able to Tell: Mimicking Humanoid Usage Behavior for Exploratory Studies of Online Service. Wiefling, Stephan; Gruschka, Nils & Lo Iacono, Luigi. 2019, Springer Nature. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Informasjonssikkerhet i høyere utdanning. Andersen, Anders; Berre, Tor; Ellingsen, Pål; Habib, Laurence Marie Anna; Haddara, Moutaz; Hjelmås, Erik; Jakobsen, Mette Mo; Jøsang, Audun; Nätt, Tom Heine; Li, Jingyue et al.. 2019, Nordic Journal of STEM Education. (Article in business/trade/industry journal)

Learning from man or machine: Spatial fixed effects in urban econometrics. Sommervoll, Åvald Åslaugson & Sommervoll, Dag Einar. 2019, Regional Science and Urban Economics. (Academic article)

Privacy impact assessment: Comparing methodologies with a focus on practicality. Bisztray, Tamas & Gruschka, Nils. 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Privacy Impact Assessment: Comparing Methodologies with a Focus on Practicality. Gruschka, Nils & Bisztray, Tamas. 2019, Springer Nature. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


A framework for data-driven physical security and insider threat detection. Mavroeidis, Vasileios; Vishi, Kamer & Jøsang, Audun. 2018, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Are My Arguments Trustworthy? Abstract Argumentation with Subjective Logic. Santini, Francesco; Jøsang, Audun & Pini, Maria Silvia. 2018, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Behavioural Computer Science: an agenda for combining modelling of human and system behaviours. Pedersen, Tore; Johansen, Christian & Jøsang, Audun. 2018, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences. (Academic article)

Classification of android app permissions: Tell me what app you are and i tell you what you are allowed to do. Gruschka, Nils; Iacono, Luigi Lo & Tolsdorf, Jan. 2018, Proceedings of the ... European conference on information warfare and security. (Academic article)

Data-Driven Threat Hunting Using Sysmon. Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Jøsang, Audun. 2018, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Global Perspectives on Cybersecurity Education for 2030: A Case for a Meta-discipline. Parrish, Allen; Impagliazzo, John; Raj, Rajendra K.; Santos, Henrique; Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan; Jøsang, Audun; Pereira, Teresa & Stavrou, Eliana. 2018, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Privacy Issues and Data Protection in Big Data: A Case Study Analysis under GDPR. Gruschka, Nils; Mavroeidis, Vasileios; Vishi, Kamer & Jensen, Meiko. 2018, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Solving Security and Privacy Threats in Agile Software Development. Rygge, Hanne & Jøsang, Audun. 2018, Springer Nature. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

The impact of quantum computing on present cryptography. Mavroeidis, Vasileios; Vishi, Kamer; Zych, Mateusz & Jøsang, Audun. 2018, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). (Academic article)

Towards understanding sparse filtering: A theoretical perspective. Zennaro, Fabio Massimo & Chen, Ke. 2018, Neural Networks. (Academic article)

Uncertainty Characteristics of Subjective Opinions. Jøsang, Audun; Cho, Jin-Hee & Chen, Feng. 2018, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


A consistent definition of authorization. Jøsang, Audun. 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

An Evaluation of Score Level Fusion Approaches for Fingerprint and Finger-vein Biometrics. Vishi, Kamer & Mavroeidis, Vasileios. 2017, Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse (NISK). (Academic article)

Automatic Detection of Malware-Generated Domains with Recurrent Neural Models. Lison, Pierre & Mavroeidis, Vasileios. 2017, Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse (NISK). (Academic article)

Cyber Threat Intelligence Model: An Evaluation of Taxonomies, Sharing Standards, and Ontologies within Cyber Threat Intelligence.. Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Bromander, Siri. 2017, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Exploit prevention, quo vadis?. Erdodi, Laszlo & Jøsang, Audun. 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Joint subjective opinions. Ivanovska, Magdalena; Jøsang, Audun; Zhang, Jie & Chen, Shuo. 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Neural Reputation Models learned from Passive DNS data. Lison, Pierre & Mavroeidis, Vasileios. 2017, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Quick Response Code Secure: A Cryptographically Secure Anti-Phishing Tool for QR Code Attacks. Mavroeidis, Vasileios & Mathew, Nicho. 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

X86 root of trust: Technical vs. political considerations. Loutfi, Ijlal & Jøsang, Audun. 2017, Proceedings of the ... European conference on information warfare and security. (Academic article)


Bayesian Deduction with Subjective Opinions. Ivanovska, Magdalena; Jøsang, Audun & Sambo, Francesco. 2016, AAAI Press. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Decision Making Under Vagueness and Uncertainty. Jøsang, Audun. 2016, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

DEMO: OffPAD - Offline Personal Authenticating Device with Applications in Hospitals and e-Banking. Migdal, Denis; Johansen, Christian & Jøsang, Audun. 2016, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). (Chapter)

Generalising Bayes’ Theorem in Subjective Logic. Jøsang, Audun. 2016, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Hey TPM, Sign My Transaction. Loutfi, Ijlal & Jøsang, Audun. 2016, Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse (NISK). (Academic article)

Mitigating Local Attacks Against a City Traffic Controller. Ulltveit-Moe, Nils; Pfrang, Steffen; Erdödi, Lazlo & Nebot, Héctor. 2016, SciTePress. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Predictive Reasoning in Subjective Bayesian Networks. Ivanovska, Magdalena & Jøsang, Audun. 2016, NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. (Academic article)

Principles of Subjective Networks. Jøsang, Audun & Kaplan, Lance. 2016, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Privacy concerns of TPM 2.0. Loutfi, Ijlal & Jøsang, Audun. 2016, Proceedings of the ... European conference on information warfare and security. (Academic article)

Semantic cyberthreat modelling. Bromander, Siri; Jøsang, Audun & Eian, Martin. 2016, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. (Academic article)

Towards Behavioural Computer Science. Johansen, Christian; Pedersen, Tore & Jøsang, Audun. 2016, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (Academic article)


Applying Return Oriented and Jump Oriented Programming Exploitation Techniques with Heap Spraying. Erdodi, Laszlo. 2015, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica. (Academic article)

1,2, Pause: Lets start by meaningfully navigating the current online authentication solutions space. Loutfi, Ijlal & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (Academic article)

An Accurate Rating Aggregation Method for Generating Item Reputation. Abdel-Hafez, Ahmad; Xu, Yue & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Assurance Requirements for Mutual User and Service Provider Authentication. Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Assurance requirements for mutual user and service provider authentication. Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Cybersecurity through secure software development. Jøsang, Audun; Ødegaard, Marte & Oftedal, Erlend. 2015, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (Academic article)

FIDO Trust Requirements. Loutfi, Ijlal & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Generating product feature hierarchy from product reviews. Tian, Nan; Xu, Yue; Li, Yuefeng; Abdel-Hafez, Ahmad & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. (Academic article)

Information theory for subjective logic. Muller, Tim; Wang, Dongxia & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Information Theory for Subjective Logic. Muller, Tim; Wang, Dongxia & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

It's not a bug, it's a feature: 25 years of mobile network insecurity. Jøsang, Audun; Miralabé, Laurent & Dallot, Leonard. 2015, Proceedings of the ... European conference on information warfare and security. (Academic article)

Mathematical Modelling of Trust Issues in Federated Identity Management. Ferdous, Md. Sadek; Norman, Gethin; Jøsang, Audun & Poet, Ron. 2015, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. (Academic article)

Probabilistic Modeling of Humans in Security Ceremonies. Johansen, Christian & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Probabilistic modelling of humans in security ceremonies. Johansen, Christian & Jøsang, Audun. 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

Subjective Networks: Perspectives and Challenges. Ivanovska, Magdalena; Jøsang, Audun; Kaplan, Lance & Sambo, Francesco. 2015, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Towards Subjective Networks: Extending Conditional Reasoning in Subjective Logic. Kaplan, Lance; Jøsang, Audun & Ivanovska, Magdalena. 2015, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Trust Revision for Conflicting Sources. Jøsang, Audun; Ivanovska, Magdalena & Muller, Tim. 2015, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

When Every Byte Counts – Writing Minimal Length Shellcodes. Erdodi, Laszlo & Nemeth, Zoltan. 2015, IEEE Press. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


A Combined Method for Mitigating Sparsity Problem in Tag Recommendation. Djuana, Endang; Xu, Yue; Li, Yuefeng & Jøsang, Audun. 2014, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

A Normal-Distribution Based Reputation Model. Abdel-Hafez, Ahmad; Xu, Yue & Jøsang, Audun. 2014, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Biometric Data Fusion Based on Subjective Logic. Jøsang, Audun & Munch-Møller, Thorvald H G. 2014, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Identity Management and Trusted Interaction in Internet and Mobile Computing. Jøsang, Audun. 2014, IET Information Security. (Academic article)

Inverting Conditional Opinions in Subjective Logic. Jøsang, Audun & Sambo, Francesco. 2014, None. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

One-time biometrics for online banking and electronic payment authentication. Plateaux, Aude; Lacharme, Patrick; Jøsang, Audun & Rosenberger, Christophe. 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). (Academic article)

One-time biometrics for Online Banking and Electronic Payment Authentication. Plateaux, Aude; Lacharme, Patrick; Jøsang, Audun & Rosenberger, Christophe. 2014, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Potential Cyber Warfare Capabilities of Major Technology Vendors. Jøsang, Audun. 2014, Academic Conferences International (ACI). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

URREF Self-Confidence in Information Fusion Trust. Blasch, Erik; Jøsang, Audun; Dezert, Jean; Costa, Paulo C.G. & Jousselme, Anne-Laure. 2014, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


An Experiment Investigating the Usability of Personal Firewalls. Alfayyadh, Bander; Alzomai, Mohammed & Jøsang, Audun. 2013, International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

An Ontology-based Method for Sparsity Problem in Tag Recommendation. Djuana, Endang; Xu, Yue; Li, Yuefeng; Jøsang, Audun & Cox, Clive. 2013, SciTePress. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Combining Recommender and Reputation Systems to Produce Better Online Advice. Jøsang, Audun; Guo, Guibing; Pini, Maria Silvia; Santini, Francesco & Xu, Yue. 2013, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Determining Model Correctness for Situations of Belief Fusion. Jøsang, Audun; Costa, Paulo C.G. & Blasch, Erik. 2013, IEEE conference proceedings. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Entity Authentication & Trust Validation in PKI using Petname Systems. Ferdous, Md. Sadek & Jøsang, Audun. 2013, IGI Global. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Extended HTTP Digest Access Authentication. Jøsang, Audun; Varmedal, Kent Are & Klevjer, Henning. 2013, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Multimodal Biometric Authentication using Fingerprint and Iris Recognition in Identity Management. Vishi, Kamer & Yayilgan, Sule Yildirim. 2013, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

PKI Trust Models. Jøsang, Audun. 2013, IGI Global. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Reputation-based Trust Systems for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Comprehensive Review. Alzaid, Hani; Alfaraj, Manal; Ries, Sebastian; Jøsang, Audun; Albabtain, Muneera & Abuhaimed, Alhanof. 2013, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Special Issue on Trust and Identity Management in Mobile and Internet Computing and Communications. Yan, Zheng; Wang, Guojun; Deng, Robert H. & Jøsang, Audun. 2013, IET Information Security. (Editoral)

The OffPAD: Requirements and Usage. Varmedal, Kent Are; Hovlandsvåg, Joakim; Jøsang, Audun; Vincent, Johann; Miralabé, Laurent & Klevjer, Henning. 2013, Springer. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)


Dempster's rule as seen by little colored balls. Jøsang, Audun & Pope, Simon. 2012, Computational Intelligence. (Academic article)

Interpretation and Fusion of Hyper Opinions in Subjective Logic. Jøsang, Audun & Hankin, Robin. 2012, IEEE Press. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Robustness of Trust and Reputation Systems: Does it Matter?. Jøsang, Audun. 2012, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Service Provider Authentication Assurance. Jøsang, Audun; Varmedal, Kent Are; Rosenberger, Christophe & Kumar, Rajendra. 2012, IEEE Press. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

The state-of-the-art in personalized recommender systems for social networking. Zhou, Xujan; Xu, Yue; Li, Yuefeng; Jøsang, Audun & Cox, Clive. 2012, Artificial Intelligence Review. (Academic literature review)

Trust Extortion on the Internet. Jøsang, Audun. 2012, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)

Trust Transitivity and Conditional Belief Reasoning. Jøsang, Audun; Azderska, Tanja & Marsh, Stephen. 2012, Springer Publishing Company. (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)