Classifying Music-Related Actions

“Classifying Music-Related Actions” by Rolf Inge Godøy, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Arve Voldsund, Kyrre Glette, Mats Høvin, Kristian Nymoen, Ståle Skogstad, and Jim Tørresen. In Proceedings of the ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 Joint Conference: 12th Biennial International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 2012, pp. 352-357.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Rolf Inge God{\o}y and Alexander Refsum Jensenius and Arve
	Voldsund and Kyrre Glette and Mats H{\o}vin and Kristian Nymoen
	and St{\aa}le Skogstad and Jim T{\o}rresen},
   title = {Classifying Music-Related Actions},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 Joint Conference: 12th
	Biennial International Conference for Music Perception and
	Cognition, 8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for
	the Cognitive Sciences of Music},
   pages = {352-357},
   publisher = {School of Music Studies, Aristotle University of
	Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece},
   year = {2012},
   isbn = {978-960-99845-1-5}

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