Searching for cross-individual relationships between sound and movement features using an SVM classifier

“Searching for cross-individual relationships between sound and movement features using an SVM classifier” by Kristian Nymoen, Kyrre Glette, Ståle A. Skogstad, Jim Tørresen, and Alexander Refsum Jensenius. In Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression++, 2010, pp. 259-262.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Kristian Nymoen and Kyrre Glette and St{\aa}le A. Skogstad
	and Jim T{\o}rresen and Alexander Refsum Jensenius},
   title = {Searching for cross-individual relationships between sound and
	movement features using an {SVM} classifier},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of New Interfaces for Musical Expression++},
   pages = {259--262},
   year = {2010}

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