Breaking the speed limit with multimode fast scanning of DNA by Endonuclease V - Department of Informatics" />

Breaking the speed limit with multimode fast scanning of DNA by Endonuclease V

Breaking the speed limit with multimode fast scanning of DNA by Endonuclease V” by Arash Ahmadi, Ida Rosnes, Pernille Blicher, Robin Diekmann, Mark Schüttpelz, Kyrre Glette, Jim Tørresen, Magnar Bjørås, Bjørn Dalhus, and Alexander D Rowe. Nature communications, vol. 9, no. 1, 2018, Nature Publishing Group.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Arash Ahmadi and Ida Rosnes and Pernille Blicher and Robin
	Diekmann and Mark Sch{\"u}ttpelz and Kyrre Glette and Jim
	T{\o}rresen and Magnar Bj{\o}r{\aa}s and Bj{\o}rn Dalhus and
	Alexander D Rowe},
   title = {Breaking the speed limit with multimode fast scanning of {DNA}
	by {E}ndonuclease {V}},
   journal = {Nature communications},
   volume = {9},
   number = {1},
   pages = {5381},
   publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
   year = {2018},
   url = {}

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