Additive manufacturing of laminar flow cells for single-molecule experiments - Department of Informatics" />

Additive manufacturing of laminar flow cells for single-molecule experiments

Additive manufacturing of laminar flow cells for single-molecule experiments” by Arash Ahmadi, Katharina Till, Yngve Hafting, Mark Schüttpelz, Magnar Bjørås, Kyrre Glette, Jim Tørresen, Alexander D Rowe, and Bjørn Dalhus. Scientific reports, vol. 9, 2019, Nature Publishing Group.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Arash Ahmadi and Katharina Till and Yngve Hafting and Mark
	Sch{\"u}ttpelz and Magnar Bj{\o}r{\aa}s and Kyrre Glette and Jim
	T{\o}rresen and Alexander D Rowe and Bj{\o}rn Dalhus},
   title = {Additive manufacturing of laminar flow cells for
	single-molecule experiments},
   journal = {Scientific reports},
   volume = {9},
   publisher = {Nature Publishing Group},
   year = {2019},
   url = {}

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