Self-Modifying Morphology Experiments with DyRET: Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing

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“Self-Modifying Morphology Experiments with DyRET: Dynamic Robot for Embodied Testing” by T. F. Nygaard, C. P. Martin, J. Torresen, and K. Glette. In 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2019, pp. 9446-9452.

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BibTeX entry:

   author = {T. F. Nygaard and C. P. Martin and J. Torresen and K. Glette},
   title = {Self-Modifying Morphology Experiments with {DyRET}: Dynamic
	Robot for Embodied Testing},
   booktitle = {2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation
   number = {},
   pages = {9446-9452},
   year = {2019},
   issn = {2577-087X}

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