Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR)

Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR) is a framework and language with supporting tools for engineering ontologies. It is designed to improve the efficiency and quality of building, using, and maintaining ontologies and knowledge bases.

(One of the) OTTR logos


This page gives a high-level overview of the OTTR framework and the project that develops it. Please visit for more information including software releases, source code, interactive examples, language specifications, list of publications.

Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR) is a framework and language for representing ontology modelling patterns, and is designed to support interaction with OWL or RDF knowledge bases at a higher level of abstraction, using modelling patterns rather than OWL axioms or RDF triples. This includes:

  • building knowledge bases by instantiating templates;
  • communicating (presenting, transferring and visualising) the knowledge base as a set of template instances at different levels of abstraction; and
  • securing and improving the quality and sustainability of the knowledge base via structural and semantic analysis of the templates used to construct the knowledge base.


We believe the benefits of using OTTR are many:

  • Better abstractions
  • Uniform modelling
  • Modular, encapsulated patterns
  • Separation of design and content
  • Open standards support
  • Publish, share and reuse
  • Tool support for maintenance

The OTTR project

Members of the project are Martin G. Skjæveland, Leif Harald Karlsen, Christian Kindermann, Oliver Stahl. The framework is available as open source specifications and applications which are in active use by several industrial partners in and outside of SIRIUS, including DNV GL, Aibel, Grundfos and CapGemini.

The project is active and we are very interested in engaging with users and use cases. We can be contacted through different channels, see:

Tags: ontology, ontology engineering, semantic web, RDF, OWL By Martin G. Skjæveland
Published Sep. 21, 2022 10:15 AM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2022 11:38 AM