Zhiyuan Wu

Norwegian version of this page
Visiting address Gaustadalléen 23B Ole-Johan Dahls hus 0373 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1080 Blindern 0316 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Student)

I am a dedicated Ph.D. researcher with a strong interest in the Scalability, Robustness, Privacy, and Generalization aspects of Machine Learning. My intrigue extends to Distribution Shift and Generative Models as well.

Prior to joining the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo, I completed my undergraduate studies at Lanzhou University, China, majoring in Communication Systems and Digital Signal Processing. My pursuit of higher learning led me to the Technical University of Munich, where I obtained my master's degree. I was fortunate to undertake a research internship at LIONS, EPFL in 2021.

My master's thesis centered around the realm of Deep Metric Learning and Computer Vision. In addition to my academic pursuits, I also accumulated practical experience as a Student Assistant at Infineon, where I was able to apply my knowledge in a real-world setting.

As I continue my academic journey, I aspire to unravel more about Machine Learning's potential and contribute significantly to the field.


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Published Aug. 4, 2023 1:58 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2023 12:20 PM