
Kudos to Tollef Jahren on the successful defense of his PhD thesis this semester!

Congratulations to Ole-Johan Skrede for successfully defending his PhD thesis this semester!

Celine Solberg presenterer sitt MSc prosjekt Detection Probability of Venusquakes using Balloon-Borne Acoustic Sensors - Improving Detectability with Array Signal Processing.

Maria Opperud presenterer sitt MSc prosjekt Grating lobe errors in synthetic aperture sonar images.

Chaoran Han, is presenting his MSc project Evaluating the Null-Subtraction Imaging Beamformer From the Perspective of Spectral Estimation.

We congratulate Adín Ramírez Rivera for his promotion to become full professor!

Application deadline: 16 May

This Ph.D. position is focused on machine learning in realistic settings referring to statistical and system characteristics such as reliability and robustness to limited data and distribution shifts. For the application side, the candidate will collaborate with the Institute of Marine Research on valuable image data of the marine environment.

We have several openings for fully funded PhD and Postdoc positions. These are hosted by us in the Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis research group together with our partners. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions! You can find contact info from each announcement link.

We greet our guest researcher Oscar Bryan.

We greet our new PhD research fellow Amir Arfan.

A Gracious Bow to our SelfGraphVQA team at the VLAR Workshop,  ICCV 2023

Thalles Silva and Adín Ramírez Rivera will present at NeurIPS 2023

We're so proud of our postdoc Sarina and co-authors for the work winning the MICCAI ASMUS workshop 2023 presentation/poster award.

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Vilde Schulerud Bøe!

We look forward to the PhD defence of Stine Hverven Thon on Thursday 31 August.

Our PhD candidate Håvard Kjellmo Arnestad has won the prestigious Martin Landrø Prize for his outstanding MSc thesis in physics.

Håvard Kjellmo Arnestad, Gábor Geréb, Tor Inge Birkenes Lønmo, Jan Egil Kirkebø, Andreas Austeng, Sven Peter Näsholm; Worst-case analysis of array beampatterns using interval arithmetic. J Acoust Soc Am 1 June 2023; 153 (6): 3312–3323

Sverre Hartveit is presenting his MSc project Investigating window-length and array processing recipes in microbarom direction-of-arrival estimation.

Helene Wold, is presenting her MSc project Parameters of the Capon beamformer in medical ultrasound imaging.

The SUURPh programme has 6 new PhD grants available.

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Seçkin Polat!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Sufayan Mulani!

We have a PhD position in Machine Learning open in our research group.

We have a PhD and a Postdoc position open in our research group as part of the Visual Intelligence Centre for research-based innovation. Both positions are fully funded. Application deadline 22 January 2023:

We welcome our new Associate Professor Ali Ramezani!

We welcome our new guest research fellow Bruno Souza!

We present open master project opportunities available with the Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis research group (DSB) and partners.

Vi presenterer muligheter til master-prosjektoppgaver i gruppa for Digital Signalbehandling og Bildeanalyse (DSB) og samarbeidspartnere.

We congratulate three of our PhD research fellows and their co-authors for well-deserved rewards at recent conferences!

We have two PhD and a Postdoctoral position open in our research group: (all fully funded)

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Marius Aasan!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Martine Tan!

Three signal processing summer job projects are available within sonar pipeline inspection and environmental monitoring of geological carbon storage sites at the group for Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis (DSB) for last-year BSc and first-year MSc students at UiO. Application deadline: 20 March.

We have two fully-funded PhD positions open in our research group

We welcome our new Associate Professor Adín Ramírez Rivera!

We have an open Postdoc opportunity in our research group. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Dhananjay Tomar!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow James Claxton!

We welcome our new Postdoctoral research fellow Sarina Thomas!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Håvard Arnestad!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Gabor Gereb!

We welcome our new PhD research fellow Fabian Bull!

Stig Synnes and Andrew Gilbert will defend their PhD theses.

Ane presenterer sin masteroppgave The Six Spot Step Test for patients with Multiple Sclerosis onsdag 23. juni.

I høstsemesteret 2021 vil DSB-gruppa gi et nytt kurs i Ultralydavbildning.

Open postdoctoral fellowship in deep learning.

There are open summer job opportunities with our industry partner GE Healthcare:

Antoine Blachet will defend his thesis

Swath sonar: Advanced waveform modulation and associated signal processing techniques

on 21 May. The defense will take place over Zoom, while the trial lecture will be pre-recorded and made available a couple of days beforehand.

Vi søker 2 studenter som kan jobbe 200 timer hver under sommeren 2021.

Prosjektet har fokus på utvikling relatert til integrasjon av databeregninger i det nye kurset Ultralydavbilding (IN3015/IN4015). Her inngår for eksempel å tilrettelegge for at kursets deltakere får mer konkret hands-on-erfaring i signalbehandling, datavisualisering, og simulering av bølgeforplanting samt hvordan dette integreres i ultralydavbildningssystemer med spesielt fokus på medisinske applikasjoner.

Vi vill i stor grad bruke prosesseringsplattformen UltraSound Toolbox i dette arbeid


We have an open PhD position in semi-supervised learning.

We have updated our list of PhD and MSc alumni from our group.

We have two PhD positions open in signal processing and acoustic beamforming / sonar. Application deadline 28 February:

Kaja F. Kvåle will be defending her thesis Detection of mechanical waves in the left ventricle using high frame rate imaging on October 13.

Pleases read this news item on the Department web for information on how to join the fully digital defense and trial lecture.

Bølgehastigheten i ultralydmålingene øker jo farligere svulsten er.

Les om forskningen til Sverre Holm og Peter Näsholm i Apollon.

We have been granted a new project: FORCE - Imaging the Force of Cancer.

Improved mapping rate in seabed mapping with sonar. 

Committee: Helge Balk and Sverre Holm.

Main supervisor: Roy Edgar Hansen. Co-supervisors: Andreas Austeng, Fabrice Prieur, Alan Hunter (University of Bath/Ifi) and Frank Tichy (Kongsberg Maritime).

We have a vacant Postdoc position with deadline for application 20. February 2018.

Ultrasound imaging for improved segmentation. 

Committee: Eigil Samseth and Sverre Holm.

Main supervisor: Andreas Austeng. Co-supervisor: Anne Solberg.

Visualization and quantification of scar tissue in the myocardium using echocardiography

Committee: Espen Remme and Andreas Austeng

Main supervisor: Eigil Samset. Co-supervisor: Thor Edvardsen

Medical ultrasound imaging using shear wave elastography.

Committee: Bastien Denarie and Fritz Albregtsen

Main supervisor: Sverre Holm. Co-supervisors: Andreas Austeng and Fabrice Prieur

Non-invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure from transcranial acoustic signals

Committee: Geir Andre Ringstad and Andreas Austeng

Main supervisor: Per Kristian Eide. Co-supervisors: Sverre Holm and Fabrice Prieur

Modelling and removal of time-varying sea-surface and overburden effects in multi-component data. 

Committee: Leiv J. Gelius and Fabrice Prieur.

Main supervisor: Walter Söllner (PGS). Co-supervisors: Anthony Day (PGS), Morten W. Pedersen (PGS), Endrias G. Asgedom (PGS), Roy Edgar Hansen, and Andreas Austeng.


Magnus Vallestad, final exam for MSc project "Coregistration and Fusion of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Sonar Data From Multiple Passes".

Sensor: Trygve Sparr, FFI

Internal sensor: Fritz Albregtsen

Supervisors: Roy Edgar Hansen (FFI), Torstein Olsmo Sæbø (FFI), and Andreas Austeng.

Total Pressure Wavefield Computation for Rough Sea-Surfaces

Bradley Treeby, University College of London 

The accurate simulation of wave propagation in tissue realistic media has many applications in ultrasonics and photoacoustics. In this talk, I will give an overview of the open-source k-Wave Toolbox and it's application to time-domain simulations. The governing equations and numerical methods will be introduced, including the use of spatial fractional derivatives to account for acoustic absorption. Finally, I will discuss applications of the models in photoacoustic image reconstruction and exposimetry for high-intensity focused ultrasound.

Mohammad Ghasemi, final exam for MSc project "Sensitivity Analysis of a Two Component Seismic Streamer"

Sensor: Johan-Fredrik Synnevåg, Statoil ASA. Veiledere: Bent Kjellesvig, Kemal Ozdemir. Medveileder: Andreas Austeng.

ElDat master, Signalbehandling

Touchless gestures like scrolling and advancing a photo or music track are going to get a lot more interesting, according to Elliptic Labs, seen at CES 2014.

Elliptic Labs is a spin-off from our group at the Department of Informatics. 

Read more on 


Jacob Norenberg, final exam for MSc project "Analysis of time variations of cardiac ultrasound image sequences".

Sensor: Andreas Heimdal, GE Vingmed Ultrasound. 

Supervisors: Eigil Samseth and  Andreas Austeng.

PhD Research Position: Signal Processing for Camera-Aided Microphone Arrays

Congratulations to Anne with the paper "Remote Sensing of Ocean Oil-Spill Pollution" in special issue of Proceedings of the IEEE on Remote Sensing of Natural Disasters (Oct 2012). Proceedings of the IEEE is the flagship journal of the IEEE.

From integral of one-and-a-half order to understanding of a physical/geometrical meaning of a fractional integral with complex exponent

New relationships between spatial fractional integrals and fractal objects

Raoul Nigmatullin, Kazan University, Russia

Antall gale kreftprognoser kan halveres med datastyrt bildeanalyse.

Les mer om forskningen til Fritz Albregtsen og Håvard Danielsen i Apollon.

Loránd Eõtvõs Award 2012 presented to Leiv-J. Gelius (Department of Geosciences) and Endrias Asgedom (Department of Informatics) for the paper:

Gelius, L.-J. and Asgedom, E. (2011), Diffraction-limited imaging and beyond – the concept of super resolution. Geophysical Prospecting, Volum 59: 400–421.

More information.

Prof. Robin Cleveland from University of Oxford will on Friday morning give a guest lecture on high intensity ultrasound imaging. Later the same day he will be one of the opponents when Fabrice Prieur defends his PhD.  

Prof. Jens Hovem from NTNU will on Thursday give a guest lecture on Biot-theory. On Friday, he will be one of the opponents when Fabrice Prieur defends his PhD. 

Stig Synnes har som en del av PhD-graden et egetdefinert emne i klassisk spredningsteori. Eksamensformen i emnet er et  et halv times foredrag med påfølgende spørsmål. Foredraget er åpent for alle!

A short presentation on adaptive volume rendering of cardiac 3D ultrasound images, utilizing blood pool statistics will be given.

Lunch seminar where Wei Zhang will talk about "Efficient Computation of Initial Value Problem Involving Fractional Derivative"

Bjørn Angelsen, professor NTNU, Dept of Circulation and Medical Imaging

Fabrice Prieur will give a presentation about a model for 3D simulation of parametric ultrasound fields this friday.

Eivind Stordal, final exam for MSc project "Power-law attenuation of acoustic waves in random stratified viscoelastic media"

Modellering og dataanalyse, Studieretning Statistikk og dataanalyse

The paper "Adaptive Beamforming Applied to a Cylindrical Sonar Array Using an Interpolated Array Transformation" by Ann E. A. Blomberg, Andreas Austeng and Roy Edgar Hansen, has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.