Diversity, Gender Equality and Inclusion Workshop: An Intersectional Approach

The Information Systems Research Group & HISP Centre,  proposes to host Diversity, Gender Equality and Inclusion Workshop: An Intersectional Approach

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An Intersectional Approach 

While they are inter-related terms, diversity, equality and inclusion each have a separate part to play in creating a fair space for everyone. Diversity refers to the presence of a range of people with different identities within the same space. Inclusion is the practice of ensuring that each of those identities are welcomed within the space. Equity is the practice of making a space fairer by lifting up and supporting the marginalised identities, ensuring that there are equal possible outcomes for every individual. Together, these three concepts encourage the creation of spaces where everyone can achieve their potential. 

Intersectionality is a tool for analysing how our complex identities and group memberships overlap to form our whole selves. The term was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw in 1990, when she found that women of colour had fewer opportunities because of the combined disadvantages of their gender identity and race. Everyone has multiple identities, be if their race, gender identity, class, sexual orientation etc., and each identity has a positive or negative impact on the person’s experiences and opportunities in life. An intersectional lens allows us to analyse each identity individually, and helps us to see how the combined effects of these identities interlock. The lens can help when discussing the diversity, equality and inclusion within a group, and to build an equitable space where everyone has equal opportunities.

During the workshop, we will work with the intersectional lens, and the themes of diversity, equality and inclusion. We will discuss how certain identities can become invisible, and certain experiences come to count more than others. The workshop will discuss how privilege and disadvantage manifests, and how it plays out in different groups. The themes will be contextualised within the conditions of an academic life at UiO. 



Published Apr. 6, 2022 11:11 AM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2022 1:02 PM