Welcome to the 45th PhD Day on Wednesday, January 31, 2024 (In Person + Zoom)


We welcome PhD-candidates and faculty to participate in the PhD-days.


For those who attend the workshop via Zoom, links will be distributed via email.


Confirmed Keynote Speaker

Professor Magne Jørgensen, Simula/ UiO will give the plenary lecture. He will present ongoing work from digitalization in the public sector, including the project management of such endeavours.


When What

In Person Registration

Zoom Registration

Faculty Registration


Share PhD report and papers with your group

(The group overview will be provided by email)


For participating students:

PhD-Report template

Participating students are required to complete and share a PhD report and a paper (research proposal for new PhD candidates) with their assigned group before workshop attendance. Remember the deadline for sharing the documents with your group members is 25.01. This deadline is set so that all participants will have enough time to prepare to discuss the projects.

1. A PhD report following the Workshop Template

The PhD report aims to provide sufficient insights for the other group members to give feedback and discuss issues related to your overall research project and its progress. The report should provide details of your research project, including the background and motivation for the research, research questions, research approach, and current and future research activities.

You will need to make yourself acquainted with this paper by Lars Mathiassen (2017) to fill out the report. 

2. A paper (research proposal for new PhD candidates)

Each student is also encouraged to provide a paper they are working on. This paper could be a paper already submitted to a conference/journal or a paper that is still in progress. This paper should be able to provide readers with an understanding of the background of your research project

The completed report and paper should be shared with your working group members by email. An overview of the groups will be provided by email. 

You must review in advance the contribution of all the other students in your working group to provide feedback. Each student will also be assigned as the main discussant of one of the other students' work. Thus, this student will be responsible for providing extensive comments on the assigned report and paper. Working group chairs (faculty) will keep track of time and manage the discussions. Details of this will be distributed along with the reports and papers within the respective working groups before the workshop.

Approximately one hour has been reserved for each student. Students should be prepared to provide a short presentation (5-10 minutes) of their work summarizing the key points of their research. The remainder of the time should be spent on the discussion of the report and paper and the student's PhD research, including the discussion items identified by the student in their contributions.

For any questions regarding the workshop do not hesitate to contact Maja Lanestedt Thomassen or Eric Monteiro


IS research group
Published Dec. 15, 2023 5:28 PM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2024 11:59 AM