Master thesis: A Formalization of a Type and Effect System using Coq and Ott

  Deadlocks are a common error in programs with lock-based concurrency. Type- and effect-systems are formal systems for statically analyzing programs. This thesis is concerned with one particular such system designed to capture potential deadlocks at compile time.

 Despite careful design of the systems and meticulous proof-reading, the
  ultimate correctness of mathematical formalizations and corresponding  correctness proofs hinges on many subtle details of
  the type system, the semantics etc. A machine checked proof, using a
  theorem prover, increases the confidence in the formal validity of the
  result.  So, besides sketching the effect system for statically checking
  of absence of deadlock, we report on the a machine-checked formalization
  of the system and parts of the proofs, using Coq, a well-known
  type-theoretic theorem prover, and OTT, a ``domain-specific language for


  The thesis can be found at the official DUO web page.

Published June 10, 2014 10:06 AM - Last modified June 10, 2014 10:06 AM