3 PhD positions in Formal Methods for concurrent systems and security analysis available

There are  three Ph.D positions in the area of formal methods for analyzing security properties in concurrent and distributed programs.

One Ph.D position is connected to the ConSeRNS initiative, targeting research challenges in security and robustness of ICT infrastructures.

The second Ph.D position is connected to the IoTSec project, targeting security in Internet-of-Things (IoT) for Smart Grids. Both positions have application deadline January 31st 2016.

A third PhD is targeting security in Internet-of-Things (IoT) for Smart Grids, being an Industrial PhD position, also connected to the  IoTSec project.  More information on the IoTSec positions is available at http://IoTSec.no/phd<http://iotsec.no/phd>

Application deadline: 31 January!

The deadline has expired.

How to apply:

 1) Officially: At the application upload webpage:

See the official central announcement!  This official link and the page for uploading the an application also contains  further information, including the fuller description of the position, required documents and also payment and contractual information regarding a Ph.D position at our Faculty.


We also ask you to send the application as follows:

2) Additionally: email

To ease and speed up the evaluation process. We ask candidates to additionally provide us with a

                       one combined PDF version of the application

containing, in one pdf, the combined application (with all the documents uploaded), such as CV, cover-letter, etc. What should not be included in this combined pdf-document are publications (if any) as they would make the document unecessarily large. If a candidate wishes to attach publications, it's good enough to upload them at the official application webpage.

The most convenient way would be to provide us with an url where to download that document. If that is not possible, an email attachement may be used as well.


- Olaf Owe (olaf@ifi.uio.no) -- two first positions

- Martin Steffen (msteffen@ifi.uio.no) -- first position

- Joseph Noll (josef@unik.no) -- IoTSec positions

- Davide Roverso, eSmart Systems (davide.roverso@esmartsystems.com) -- industrial PhD (last position)

Tags: Ph.D position, open Ph.D position, ledig stilling, ledig stipendiat stilling By Martin Steffen, Olaf Owe
Published Dec. 17, 2015 5:10 PM - Last modified Oct. 31, 2018 2:47 PM