Projects of the Reliable Systems (PSY) group and former PMA

For an overview of projects in the Cristin data base, see here

Acronym Name Setting
Scott Secure COnnected Trustable Things JU ECSEL and NFR, EU-Commission Contract 737422
Gemini IoT Gemini Centre on the  Internet of Things Gemini Centre for Research-Driven Innovation
IoTSec Security in  IoT for Smart Grids NFR IKTPluss
Syncopia Synthesis and analysis for concurrent programs German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
Models4IoT Modelling Tools and Programming languages for Internet of Things Research Focus
HyVar Scalable Hybrid Variability for Distributed Evolving Software Systems Horizon 2020
SMT4ABS   German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
GoRETech Go Runtime Enforcement Techniques German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
ARVI Run-Time Verification beyond Monitoring EU Cost action
Upscale From  Inherent Concurrency to Massive Parallelism through Type-based Optimizations EU FP7 project
Envisage Engineering Virtualized Services EU FP7 project
ConSeRNS Concurrent Security and Robustness for Networked Systems Strategic Research Initiative
IC1201 Cost action: Behavioral types for reliable, large scale software systems (BETTY) EU Cost action
  IC0701 Cost action: Formal verification of OO Software  EU Cost action
HySmart Hybrid Systems Modeling and Analysis with Rewriting Techniques German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
  Avabi  Automated validation for behavioral interfaces of asynchronous active objects German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
RvABS Runtime Verification for ABS Product Lines German-Norwegian exchange program (PPP)
 HATS Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models  EU FP7
RHYTM  High-Level Formal Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Hybrid Systems NFR Fritek
 CoSoDIS  Contract-Oriented Software Development for Internet Services
Nordunet 3
 Connect Active Behavioral Interfaces for Seamless Network Integration  
 Credo Modeling and analysis of evolutionary structures for distributed services  EU FP6


Tags: projects, research projects, NFR projects, European projects, international collaboration, framework 7, framework 6, ICT, FP7, FP6, exchange program, HATS, HySmart, Avabi, RHYTHM, CoSoDIS, Connect, Credo, Cost action, Nordunet, FRITEK, DAAD, PSY, PMA
Published Mar. 13, 2011 2:05 PM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2020 2:10 PM