Tutorial - IROS 2022

Last modified Apr. 17, 2024 10:43 AM by root@localhost
Last modified Oct. 23, 2022 2:00 AM by Jim Tørresen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, including robots, pose challenges and opportunities for health- and home care. Amongst the relevant and essential aspects currently discussed are privacy, cybersecurity, safety, diversity, and inclusion considerations. There is increasing attention on the ethical implications and legal issues related to robots and systems. Recently, the European Commission has proposed the new regulation on Artificial Intelligence, e.g., the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) (European Commission 2021a), and the New Machinery Directive (MD) (European Commission 2021b). Other important ongoing efforts are defining standards for intelligent systems and studying design with user participation. 

The tutorial will provide an overview of the most pressing ethical and legal challenges surrounding the development and use of robots in human environments. The tutorial will illustrate the challenges related to privacy, security, safety, and diversity of users through several examples from the speakers different countries. The tutorial aims to raise awareness about these topics and engage with the community to think about ways to reduce the unfavorable impact on society.