Tutorial WCCI-2024

WCCI-2024/IJCNN-tutorial: Ethical Risks and Challenges of Computational Intelligence

Organisers: Jim Torresen, University of Oslo, Norway and Xin Yao, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China


"Welcome and speaker introduction"

"AI Ethical challenges and considerations" by Jim Torresen 

"Ethical Risks and Challenges of Computational Intelligence" by Xin Yao



Artificial intelligence (AI) has entered an increasing number of different domains. A growing number of people – in the general public as well as in research – have started to consider a number of potential ethical challenges and legal issues related to the development and use of AI technologies. There have been related initiatives across the globe, such as the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) appointed by the European Commission that has a general goal of supporting the implementation of the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence. This has been followed up with the proposal of the European Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) and the New Machinery Directive (MD), focusing on developing a framework for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence within Europe, laying down harmonised rules for both AI systems with and without a physical layer (e.g., chatbots vs. robots etc.). This tutorial will give an overview of the most commonly expressed ethical challenges and ways being undertaken to reduce their negative impact using the findings in an earlier undertaken review and an overview paper of Artificial Intelligence Ethics, supplemented with recent work and initiatives.

Among the most important challenges are those related to privacy, fairness, transparency, safety and security. Countermeasures can be taken first at design time, second when a user should decide where and when to apply a system and third when a system is in use in its environment. In the latter case, there will be a need for the system by itself to perform some ethical reasoning if operating in an autonomous mode. This tutorial will introduce some examples from our own and others´ work and how the challenges can be addressed both from a technical and human perspective with special attention to problems relevant when working with AI research and development. AI ethical issues should not be seen only as challenges but also as new research opportunities contributing to more sustainable, socially beneficial services and systems. The tutorial is an updated version of the one given in IJCNN 2023: https://2023.ijcnn.org/tutorials

Published July 16, 2024 8:24 AM - Last modified July 16, 2024 8:36 AM