Vacant permanent positions in Machine Learning

Associate Professor in Machine Learning – three permanent positions

Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway


The position(s) can be affiliated to or interact with the Robotics and Intelligent Systems (ROBIN) group at the University of Oslo.

The Department of Informatics is looking for candidates who will strengthen our research and education within Machine Learning (ML) and associated application areas.

Candidates with a background in artificial intelligence/machine learning related to robotics or embedded systems are encouraged to apply and propose to be affiliated with the ROBIN group. We work with a set of different methods within AI and ML, including deep learning, evolutionary algorithms, evolutionary robotics, generative design, and more. Please see our web page for more information about our research. 

Candidates will be evaluated with respect to three different profiles, distinct for each of the positions:
1. For one of the positions, we are looking for a candidate with a strong track record in analyzing aspects of machine learning methodology related to ethical considerations, like transparency, reliability, bias, privacy, fairness, sustainability, or others.

2. One position is expected to be offered to a candidate with a strong background from more foundational research within deep learning and neural approaches with relevance beyond specific application areas.

3. Finally, one of the positions will be associated with one of the following established application areas within the department: (i) artificial intelligence methods for robotics and intelligent systems, or (ii) bioinformatics. For applications targeting this profile it will be important to document relevant background in the respective area.

The candidates must clearly state which of the three position profiles they are applying to, and if relevant (profile 3) also state the corresponding subject area(s) that they are interested in. For the first two positions, it is also possible to express relevance to the ROBIN research group.

Qualifications: Applicants must have a degree equivalent to a Norwegian PhD in a relevant area for the position. Candidates must have a strong research background in machine learning, either with respect to foundational issues within ML and/or applications of ML. A promising publication record is required. Candidates must have international publications in acknowledged publication channels. The assessment of publications will emphasize originality, quality, and scope. Research output from the previous 5 years will be given weight. Candidates must have prior teaching experience within ML or associated application areas and have a commitment to engage in undergraduate and graduate education and in mentoring and advising master and doctoral students. Pedagogical qualifications and teaching and supervision experience at all levels will be an important factor in the evaluation process and should be well documented in a teaching portfolio. See the full announcement for more requirements.

Pay grade (depending on qualifications and seniority):

NOK 694 400 - 864 100 per year, approx.: €68,700 - 85,500 / $80,700 - 100,400


Full announcement: 

For the requested "research position paper", please look at our ROBIN group web page (including our project overview) and outline how your background and interests in machine learning can match with and contribute to the ROBIN group research and projects.

Closing date for applications: 6thJune, 2021

Applications are to be submitted through a web page and NOT by e-mail.

Contact for more information:  Prof. Jim Torresen E-mail:

Published Apr. 7, 2021 4:55 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2021 1:15 PM