Ongoing and completed master's projects – Page 2

Page title Published Student(s) Supervisor(s)
Developing an app that allows researchers to follow the progress of jobs running on a high performance computing facility Sep. 16, 2013
Developing benchmarks for genome analysis June 4, 2013
Developing bioinformatics software to identify and analyse the viral sequences of gut microbes Oct. 4, 2021
Development of quantitative adverse outcome pathways tools for future risk assessment Nov. 17, 2021
Discovery of micropeptides in neurons Oct. 14, 2021
Enhancing Cellsnake, a single-Cell RNA sequencing analysis tool Oct. 6, 2023
Evaluering av gensøkingsmetoder Mar. 14, 2011
Exploring pathogenic bacteria with machine learning Sep. 15, 2022
Extraction of biomedical knowledge from the ClinicalTrials database Oct. 19, 2011
Fighting the communication overhead in hybrid CPU-GPU computing Oct. 3, 2014
Full-scale 3D simulations of the heart as a "binary cube" Sep. 14, 2014
Genetic distances - methods for comparing whole genome sequences Oct. 14, 2015
GPU accelerated machine learning for brain tumor classification Sep. 9, 2022
Hacking the Cancer Genome Aug. 10, 2012
Highly dynamic clustering June 6, 2011
Hybrid CPU-GPU computing for simulating calcium handling in the heart Sep. 14, 2014
Integrative analyses of DNA and RNA-sequencing data Sep. 14, 2016
Integrative analyses of DNA and RNA-sequencing data Oct. 2, 2014
Interactive visualization of single-cell RNA-Seq analysis Oct. 4, 2022
Jakten på ukjent patogen Sep. 11, 2013
Learning game theory from the immune system June 1, 2011
LLVM-supported code translation from C to CUDA Oct. 3, 2014
Mapping short sequences to a genome using a GPU Aug. 16, 2013
MPI-3 for increased portability and performance Sep. 15, 2014
Of mice and men June 6, 2011