AFSecurity: 5G Security

5G networks promise to transform industries and our digital society by providing enhanced capacity, higher data rates, lower battery for machine-type devices, higher availability and reduced power consumption. In this talk, we visit 5G security architecture & outline potential security challenges in deployed networks.


AFSecurity Seminar


5G Security & Challenges

DATE:  Tuesday 10 September 2019

PLACE:  Kristan Nygaards Hall (Room 5370), IFI, UiO - OJD House .

14:00h Welcom at UiO

14:15h Invited Talk:

  • TALK:  5G Security & Challenges
    SPEAKER: Ravi Borgaonkar (SINTEF)  
    ABSTRACT: 5G networks promise to transform industries and our digital society by providing enhanced capacity, higher data rates, lower battery for machine-type devices, higher availability and reduced power consumption. In a way, 5G will act as a vehicle to drive much needed digital transformation race and will push the world into the information age. In addition, 5G can be used to replace the existing emergency communication network infrastructures. However, with a higher speed and low latency, higher bandwidth availability attacks and attack surface will also be increased. In addition, in coming years, 5G may become the national critical infrastructure itself, thereby requiring new requirements, regulations, and policies to safeguard the national security interests. In this talk, we visit 5G security architecture & outline potential security challenges in deployed networks. We use previously known and severe telecom security attacks examples to demonstrate potential risks of 5G. Finally, the talk will cover future research directions to minimize security risks to build 5G enabled information transportation superhighways.

15:00h Discussion

Dr. Ravishankar Borgaonkar works as a research scientist at SINTEF Digital and undertakes research in securing next generation digital communication. He holds a PhD in telecommunication security area from Technischen Universität Berlin (TU Berlin, 2013). His primary research themes are related to mobile telecommunication networks and security threats for the next generation of digital communication, ranging from 2G/3G/4G/5G network security to end-user device security. He has extensive experience as a security researcher (Deutsche Telekom's lab, Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Secure Computing at Aalto University, University of Oxford), focusing lately on 5G security research.

Published Sep. 6, 2019 6:43 AM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 6:47 AM