AFSikkerhet: Satellitt- og GNSS-sikkerhet

Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig fra Samferdselsdepartementet presenterer i dette foredraget internasjonale perspektiver på luftrommet og det ytre rom,   og vår økende avhengighet av satellittinfrastruktur i form av GNSS / GPS. Kunne denne infrastrukturen bryte sammen, og i hvilken grad er vi forberedt hvis det skulle skje? Alle interesserte er velkommen. Foredraget er på engelsk.

Image may contain: Satellite, Font, Aerospace engineering, Vehicle, Spacecraft.


Satellite and GNSS Security

TIME:  15:00h, Wednesday 26 February 2020
Place:  Kristen Nygaard's Hall (Room 5370), Ole-Johan Dahl's House, UiO


15:00h Welcome to UiO
15:15h Invited Talk:

  • TITLE:  Airspace and Outer Space - The Satellite Infrastructure of GNSS/GPS and its Vulnerabilities
    SPEAKER:  Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig  (Ministry of Transport)
    ABSTRACT: This talk discusses the international perspectives of airspace and outer space, interfaces and dynamic borderlines. It touches upon the consequences of the digital transformation for the cybersecurity of space activities, including the Norwegian perspective, and our increasing dependence on airspace, aviation and satellite infrastructure in the form of GNSS/GPS. Could this infrastructure break down, and to what extent are we prepared if it happens ?

16:00h Discussion

BIO:   Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig is Director General in the Ministry of Transport. She holds a law degree from the University of Copenhagen, and has studied one year at the Norwegian Defense College. She has previously been assistant Director General at the Department for Petroleum Affairs and The Tax Law Department in the Ministry of Finance. In 1996 she was appointed Director General in the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs with responsibilities for infrastructure for maritime transport and safety at sea, civil radio navigation and GNSS policy - and matters concerning the High North/the Arctic and cooperation with other Arctic and neighboring nations. Since 2014 she works in the Ministry of Transport, with special tasks within aviation i.e.- Civil- military cooperation concerning aviation, airspace, ATM-security and cyber security at national level and in relation to EU, other nations, Eurocontrol. She has extensive experience from international cooperation both bilateral and with UN, EU, Nordic and Arctic nations and organizations concerning i.e. GNSS, radio navigation, surveillance, information- and warning systems, data exchange.

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Digital Sikkerhet
Published Feb. 15, 2020 7:03 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2023 7:00 AM