Research events - Page 4

Time and place: , IFI, UiO

This case-study-based presentation demonstrates how open-source information can be collected and leveraged to attack critical infrastructure assets. Speaker: Sujeet Shenoi (University of Tulsa).

Time and place: , IFI, UiO

This presentation describes various electronic, physical and chemical techniques for extracting data and firmware from embedded devices. Speaker: Sujeet Shenoi (University of Tulsa).

Time and place: , IFI / OJD Level 5

5G networks promise to transform industries and our digital society by providing enhanced capacity, higher data rates, lower battery for machine-type devices, higher availability and reduced power consumption. In this talk, we visit 5G security architecture & outline potential security challenges in deployed networks. We use previously known and severe telecom security attacks examples to demonstrate potential risks of 5G.

Time and place: , IFI/UiO

This talk by Mauno Pihelgas is about building an availability scoring system for NATO CCDCOE's annual international cyber defence exercise Locked Shields. All interested are welcome. 

Time and place: , Lillehammer

Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetsforum (ISF) arrangerer Sikkerhetsfestivalen 2019 i dagene 26. - 28. august på Lillehammer.

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaards sal, OJD

Privacy Threat of Keystroke Profiling on the Web

In a browser environment, Keystroke Dynamics (the way of typing on a keyboard) is a biometric modality which can be used by any Web service to profile users. The collection of keystroke dynamics does not require any additional sensors and can be done without the users' knowledge. Keystroke Dynamics can be used to authenticate users, but also to profile otherwise anonymous web users, and thereby represents a privacy threat. This talk first discusses the performance of Keystroke Dynamics and how it poses a serious threat to users privacy. The talk then discusses several potential real-time methods for anonymization of Keystroke Dynamics, and gives some recommendations for building and implementing Keystroke Dynamics Anonymization Systems.

Time and place: , Simula auditorium, Ole-Dahls hus

In this talk we present Vegvisir, a partition-tolerant blockchain for use in  power-constrained IoT environments with limited network connectivity.

Time and place: , Kristan Nygaards sal (Room 5370), IFI. All interested are welcome.

Security Trends: 1) Factorization, 2) AI/ML in Cyber Security

Time and place: , Seminarrom Prolog, IFI, UiO

AFSikkerhet seminar om CyberSmart og GenCyber

Time and place: , Institutt for informatikk, UiO

EOS-utvalgets kontroll av de hemmelige tjenesters IT-systemer.

Time and place: , Oslo

The 23rd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems


IMPORTANT! The entire Ole-Johan Dahls building will be closed on Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd of July 2018 due to power shutdown.

The Estate Department will carry out required service and maintenance on all electrical fuses in every building at UiO. In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to close Ole-Johan Dahls building for two entire days. 

Time and place: , Oslo

The 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security

Time and place: , Kristen Nygaards sal, Ole-Johan Dahls Hus

On behalf of the section for Digitalization and Entrepreneurship (DigEnt), we are thrilled to invite you to attend two guest lectures by Robert Wuebker (University of Utah David Eccles School of Business) and Russ McBride (University of California, Merced) on the topics of entrepreneurship, strategy and artificial intelligence.

Time and place: , Informatikksalen, 5th floor (OJD)

Unique opportunity with 15 vacant PhD positions at Department of informatics (IFI). Are you curious?

Time and place: , DSB-lab, Rom 4270 OJD

Beamforming has long been a topic for physicists and signal processing researchers. By this talk, Tobas Dahl aim to open up the principles of beamforming for researchers with backgrounds from multiple quantitative disciplines; partial differential equations, statistics, machine learning and data analysis, chemometrics, psychometrics, cybernetics and others who feel they could understand the basics without taking on a (new) master's degree in physics or digital signal processing.

Time and place: , Styrerom (4118)

Final presentation for MSc

Time and place: , Styrerom (4118)

Final presentation for MSc

Time and place: , Auditorium Smaltalk

Welcome to this information meeting about exchange opportunities through the projects  ETHIC og SHI-Learning.

Time and place: , 5th floor, Ole Johan Dahls hus
Time and place: , Oslo

Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse 2017

Time and place: , Aud 3, Helga Engs hus

Ian Horrocks is a new honorary doctor at the University of Oslo, faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and will hold a lecture entitled “Representing and Reasoning About Knowledge.” The lecture is open to everyone. Welcome!

Time and place: , 5th floor, Ole Johan Dahls hus

Purpose of the workshop: To bring together the community to learn about examples of reuse of healthcare data and methods for working with large and varied datasets.

Time and place: , Simula, Ole-Johan Dahls building

Welcome to the formal opening of the SIRIUS and BigInsight centers by Minister of Trade and Industry, Monica Mæland. The event continues with an opening seminar for SIRIUS.

Time and place: , DSB-lab, Room 4270

Since 2010, Norsonic has in collaboration with Squarehead been selling acoustic camera for the commercial market. But who buys it, what is it used for, and what trends can we see in the future for beamforming systems?


Jørgen Grythe at Norsonic will try to address these points including a presentation of their range of products in beamforming, with a live demonstration of one of their acoustic cameras. Join this presentation to see what the mathematical equations governing array signal processing mean in the physical world, and the chance to get your hands on an acoustic camera to try it yourself.