Workshop on Clinical NLP for Norwegian

This workshop addresses the area of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for
clinical Norwegian text. It is organized by researchers from the
Language Technology Group at the Department of Informatics, UiO and
Department of Computer Science, NTNU, both partners in the recently
funded BigMed project, which aims to integrate Norwegian patients’
health record information with genomics data. The workshop will
feature presentations by leading international researchers in the
field, as well as presentations on on-going work that addresses this
problem. The workshop will furthermore provide a meeting-place for
both academic and industrial partners with an interest in clinical NLP
with the aim to stimulate further collaboration.

Please register here no later than 29th October, 23:59.

Detailed program:

Time Presenter Title
0930-0945 Thomas Smedsrud (BigMed) The BigMed project
0945-1030 Hercules Dalianis (Stockholm University) HEALTH BANK – The Swedish Health Record Research Bank: A Workbench for Data Science Applications in Healthcare
1030-1100 -- Coffee Break -- --
1100-1130 Petter Hurlen (AHUS) Analyse av journaltekst i praksis
1130-1200 Thomas Brox Røst (NTNU) Clinical NLP in the real world and in the lab: Reconciling medications and counting catheter use days
1200-1300 -- Lunch --  
1300-1330 Taraka Rama & Lilja Øvrelid (UiO) Natural Language Processing for Norwegian: adaptation to the clinical domain
1330-1400 Øystein Nytrø From clinical text mining to patient trajectory comprehension: About seeing the typical behind the special.
1400-1430 -- Coffee Break --  
1430-1500 Industry session Presenters from IBM, Kunnskapsforlaget and PubGene
1530-1600 Closing session  


Tags: Natural Language Processing, clinical NLP, Norwegian
Published Oct. 5, 2017 1:49 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2017 8:33 PM