IRIS Games

IRIS Games 2013 is a break from the main conference activities where the participants can loosen up, have fun and use their bodies and minds in a different way. The games is an opportunity to get to know each other better, and will contribute to the friendly atmosphere that characterizes the IRIS conference. The IRIS Games will also stimulate reflection on the conference theme: Digital living.

Pre and Post Games

IRIS 2013 is situated in the beautiful agriculture landscape Hadeland. Since the medieval age, pilgrims have passed the site of our conference venue, Sanner hotel, on their way to Trondheim and the Nidaros cathedral. If you want to experience walking a part of the pilgrim trail, you are invited to join the IRIS Pre Games. Those who participate in the Pre Games will have to arrive in Oslo Saturday 10th August in time to catch a 5 pm train from Oslo Central Station to Lunner. Lunner is approximately an hour with train from Oslo Central Station. We will stay overnight, and then walk approximately 10 km to Sanner Hotel in time for the conference opening.

If you want to experience a little more of the pilgrim trail, you can also join the Post Games, which will be an approximately 10 km walk from Sanner hotel to Brandbu in the late afternoon of the last day of the conference. For the Post Games we will not arrange overnight stay, but we can suggest options for those who need that.

You will have to bring a back pack, basic camping gear and suitable clothing. We will organize tents. We will arrange for luggage you don’t need on the way (such as laptops) to be brought directly to Sanner hotel.

If you are interested in joining the Pre Games, the Post Games or both, send an e-mail to either Jo Herstad or Hanne Cecilie Geirbo before June 30.


From the pilgrim route between Nidaros (Trondheim) in Norway and Jämtland in Sweden. High stone statues, donated by ancient pious Norwegian kings, are raised along the route. At bottom left a monk. In the middle a man armed with a sword and spear leads a packhorse. To the right a man, probably a Lap, on skis and with bow and arrow.

Published May 31, 2013 1:59 PM - Last modified June 11, 2013 5:03 PM