
Ulrike Schultze is Associate Professor in Information Technology and Operations Management.  Her research explores the impact of information technology on work practices.  While her initial research focused on knowledge work and knowledge management technology, her more recent research projects are in the area of Internet-based technologies and their implications for customer co- and peer-production. As part of this research program on digital innovation, she is exploring the use of “synthetic worlds” (online games and virtual reality environments) as media for organizational communication.  She is currently engaged in a NSF-funded study on the avatar-self relationships enacted in Second Life.  Dr. Schultze frequently relies on multi-method research designs, which include ethnographic observations, interviews and surveys.

Tom Igoe is Associate Arts Professor at ITP/NYU since 2007, where he is area head for two areas of curriculum: physical computing and sustainability. He is a core partner in Arduino LLC. Tom has had numerous workshops, seminars and talks all over the world as well as been part several exhibitions and projects concerned with physical computing. Publications include the books "Making Things Talk" (O'Reilly, 2007) and "Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers" (with Dan O'Sullivan, Muska & Lipman, 2004) and a number of papers (see

Talk: What's Wrong With the Internet of Things

In 1999, Kevin Ashton coined the phrase "Internet of Things" to refer to an internet that included automated data capture from cameras, microphones and other sensors, and remote control of robotic devices. Today, that phrase generates considerable excitement from researchers, research funders and venture capitalists alike.  Ashton's statement describes people as "the most numerous and important routers of all". There's something terribly wrong with that assumption. We need to consider not just the things through which we communicate through (and to) the global network, but also the activities afforded by -- and often impeded by -- the capabilities of the networked ecology that we're bringing into being. We need to re-frame our view and our language to include the materials, actors, and activities that constitute this ecology.

Erik Fosse: Erik Fosse is a Norwegian surgeon and professor of medicine at the University of Oslo. Since 1996 he has been the leader of a wellknown technology research and development department called the Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital. The centre utilizes novel digital technologies to develop minimal invasive and image-guided medical procedures. Erik Fosse will reflect on the radical changes that these technologies have effected in how diagnostic and therapeutic medicine is conducted, both with respect to the professionals’ competencies and roles, for the structure of hospitals and for the healthcare sector at large. In June 2013 Professor Erik Fosse was appointed to Commander of The Royal Norwegian St.Olav's Order by H.M. the King for his contributions in medicine and for the society. He became known to a wider public during the first weeks of 2009 when he and the anaesthesiologist Mads Gilbert were the only Western eyewitnesses working in Gaza during Israel’s bombardment.

Published May 31, 2013 2:30 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2021 3:44 PM