User Interface

The Galaxy user interface consists of three main elements: a toolbox on the left, the history pane on the right, and the main working interface in the center. The working interface is further subdivided into the main interface of the current tool, with a set of Abel-specific settings below, and finally some help text at the bottom of the page. These elements are shown in the screenshot below.

The toolbox organizes tools by category, with related tools begin grouped together. These groupings can be either functional, as in the Segmentation category which contains sentence and token segmenters, or thematic, as in the Giellatekno or Oslo-Bergen Tagger categories, which contain tools from a single suite of tools. Toolbox sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the section header; clicking on a tool name loads that tool's interface into the main section.

The history pane contains all submitted jobs, reverse chronologically sorted. Running and pending jobs are colored yellow, completed jobs are green, and failed jobs are red. Clicking on a job will show more detailed information, including the option to download the tool output. Note that the tool output of non-export tools is only useful to the LAP portal. To get data that can be processed further by other tools, you must first export the data using a tool from the Export category.

The exact contents of the main tool interface will vary according to the parameters of the selected tool, however it will always ask for a data set to work on. This input defaults to the most recent applicable data set, which is generally what you want, but occasionally you want to process some other data set.

The default options for the Abel settings should suffice for most settings, and should not be changed unless you know what you are doing.

Published May 27, 2015 1:50 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2016 8:43 PM