Workflow Management

In this article, we will show how to import and start using public workflows in LAP. A workflow consists of tools that are chained together, e.g. a sentence segmenter, a tokenizer, a part-of-speech tagger and a parser. LAP allows users to create workflows using the Galaxy workflow editor, but also provides pre-configured workflows that can be imported into a LAP user session.

You can access the Published Workflows page from the Shared Data entry in the top-level menu bar.


The Published Workflows page contains a list of workflows made available by LAP developers and users. After finding a workflow that suits your needs, click on the right side of the box with the desired workflow and choose import in the drop-down menu.


Both imported and self-defined workflows become available from your workflow page, accessible from the menu bar. From here, you can edit, run and administrate your workflows. If you want specific workflows to be visible from the Tool Panel as well, you may enable this by clicking on the button titled Configure your workflow menu.


Running a worfklow is very similar to running a single tool. A series of steps will appear in the Main Pane, allowing you to choose an input item from your History for the first step in the workflow.

Published May 14, 2015 11:38 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2016 8:47 PM