Published Sep. 17, 2010 11:47 PM

Best Paper Award on the Digital Track at the SBCCI 2010

Our paper "Zero Logic Overhead Integration of Partially Reconfigurable Modules" was awarded the Best Paper Award on the Digital track during the Closing Ceremony of the SBCCI symposium in São Paulo (Brazil).

Published May 7, 2010 5:59 PM

Demo on Partial Run-time Reconfiguration on Spartan-6 FPGAs at the FCCM Demo Night.

In addition to a publication at the FCCM 2010, we contributed with a demo at the FCCM Demo Night. Here, we showed partial run-time reconfiguration on the recent Spartan-6 architecture. The demo was based on our new tool GoAhead that provides more functionality and a better device support combined with an easier to use design flow (as compared to the Xilinx vendor tool flow for partial run-time reconfiguration).

Published May 7, 2010 5:34 PM

The norwegian elektronikk magazine published an article about the COSRECOS project in its april issue. On three pages, elektronikk intorduces our goals on partial high speed run-time reconfiguration to its nationwide readers.

The article can be read online on the elektronikk website.

Published Apr. 15, 2010 7:14 PM

With Alexander Wold joining us, the COSRECOS now has a full headcount. Wold has background in industrial embedded real time systems and communication. He has been working at the ABB Corporate Research center at Billingstad, Norway, where he was involved with embedded security and wireless factory automation systems. His research will focus on automating the design of run-time reconfigurable systems.

Published Apr. 15, 2010 7:14 PM

The COSRECOS project was presented with a talk "Partial Runtime Reconfiguration for Industrial Applications – Methods and Tools" at the FPGA Forum 2010 in Trondheim. In addition, we participated in the booth with a system that was demonstrating partial runtime reconfiguration in a video processing system.