Norwegian version of this page

FIGI: From IT Silos to Generative Infrastructures (completed)

This project addresses a major issue in the design and use of public sector IT solutions, namely the problem of silo systems. Most health organizations have, for historical reasons, a large number of non- or partially integrated IT systems (“silo systems”). While each system served their initial users well, they now constitute a major barrier for (i) patient oriented services and (ii) flow of information between units and organizations and (iii) innovation of new services. In short, the existing IT silo systems constitute the greatest problem for implementing new IT solutions in the public sector.

Helse Sør-Øst is the largest health provider in Norway, and is currently running a major IT programme, Digital Fornying, which addresses the IT silo problem in several respects. The programme seeks to consolidate and standardize the existing systems. However, one unsolved issue is how the existing infrastructure should interact with the coming lightweight technologies (such as sensors, tablets, mobile etc.).

The FIGI project adds a research component to these ongoing activities, by establishing a living lab infrastructure. It has two objectives; first to re-conceptualize the IT silo problem by identifying architectural solutions for the interaction between heavyweight and lightweight IT, second to establish a better theoretical understanding of how to build generative infrastructures.

The project is financed by Regionale Forskningsfond, Hovedstaden, and is running 2014-18.

Published Aug. 26, 2014 12:02 PM - Last modified Nov. 5, 2021 8:35 AM


Professor Bendik Bygstad


  • Ole Hanseth University of Oslo
  • Bendik Bygstad University of Oslo
  • Margunn Aanestad University of Oslo
  • Egil Øvrelid University of Oslo
  • Troels Sune Mønsted University of Oslo
  • Viktor Arvidsson University of Oslo
  • Nis Johannsen, Helse Sør-Øst
  • Hans Gallis, Medicloud
  • Andre Barkhald, Medicloud
  • Kristoffer Fossum, Sykehuspartner
  • Anne-Merete Driveklepp, Sunnaas Sykehus
  • Bjørn Kleven, Sunnaas Sykehus
Detailed list of participants