PACE: Partnership for joint Curriculum Development and Research in Energy Informatics

The transition to a globally sustainable low-carbon emission society requires a significant increase in the use of renewable energy. We are facing increased decentralized energy production, and digitalization of the whole value chain. Advanced use of ICT is crucial for realizing this energy shift. This is confirmed in the revised national strategy for Norway on energy research, Energy21 which recommends to give "Digitalization and integrated energy systems" top priority. In this context, the energy sector is facing two key challenges: 1) the sector must be able to apply state-of-the-art ICT, 2) there is a lack of talents with the necessary expertise in the intersection between energy systems and ICT, which we refer to as energy informatics. This project, which is a collaboration between research groups at University of Stavanger, University of Oslo, Technical University of Munich, and University of Lille, is one response to these challenges.

About the project

Energy informatics (EI) is an emerging interdisciplinary field that deals with the digitalization of the whole value chain of the energy sector. EI is concerned with how to exploit state-of-the-art ICT methods, tools and techniques to achieve sustainable energy generation and use. Research and education in EI requires a solid foundation in informatics. EI research and education can therefore naturally be envisioned as extensions of research and educational programs in informatics.


The objective of the project is to strengthen the research and educational activity on EI at the partner institutions. Their complementary existing competences will enable an improved provision of EI candidates (master, PhD) needed by the energy business domain, both qualitatively and quantitatively by covering a broader range of topics within the field providing a more holistic approach to future sustainable energy systems.


Expected results of this project include organization of PhD workshops and summer schools, joint graduate student supervision, joint publications, joint research activities, joint projects funded by other sources, and a formalized exchange program (e.g. Erasmus) allowing streams of students to participate in research and education activities at the four partner universities for the years to come.


From University of Oslo the energy informatics group at Department of informatics is participating.


The prosject is funded by  INTPART which is a  cooperation between  SIU og The Research Council of Norway. The project period is 2019 - 2022.


The project is a collaboration between between research groups at University of Stavanger, University of Oslo, Technical University of Munich, and University of Lille.  These groups form the core of energy informatics educators and researchers at their respective institutions.


Tags: Energy informatics, data science, green computing
Published Jan. 3, 2019 1:36 PM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2022 3:56 PM
