MobiHealth: Developing Health Service Networks through Mobile Solutions in Low Resource Settings (completed)

MobiHealth extends the vision of health services information infrastructure to the villages drawing upon the potential of mobile IT solutions.

Mobile phone supported outreach health services in Punjab (India)

About the project

The international consortium behind MobiHealth is cross disciplinary (informatics, medicine, public health) comprising researchers, users, as well as providers of health infrastructure and information systems. MobiHealth builds on previous NRC projects such as “Global health e-infrastructures: integration and use of information” (Verdikt) and “Integrated Health Information Systems (HIS) for vaccination in developing countries” (GlobVac). In turn, these projects build upon the Health Information Systems Program (HISP), initiated as a NORAD project (1995-98) in South Africa, and now responsible for the development of the pioneering FOSS based District Health Information Software (DHIS), currently considered as a global innovation and adopted by the WHO as a key component of its Public Health Information Toolkit. The MobiHealth project will seek to seamlessly integrate the mobile phone with the DHIS, thus making the health information infrastructure more robust for rural areas in the developing countries where HISP is currently active.


MobiHealth develops generic software based on the open source philosophy.

The suitScreenshot mobile applicatione of health applications that will be piloted on the mobile phones in the different countries include: Individual based health program tracking, reporting of aggregated data e.g. Integrated Disease Surveillance and Reporting for outbreak control. These two types of applications shall result in generic software on a mobile platform that can support different reporting needs from different health programs, with the ability to automatically generate aggregated data to the national health management information system (DHIS).

In addition, Training and Advisory applications where outreach health workers can request and be advised on general medical and health knowledge, in which training purposes can be embedded. These systems will create communication possibilities across hierarchy and among peers, as well as creating feedback channels for the lowest levels of the health hierarchy.

Published Apr. 14, 2011 10:37 AM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2017 2:31 PM


Project Head: Kristin Braa

Web : Terje A. Sanner


Detailed list of participants