
Since March 2022, we have started to launch workshop, reading seminars, summer school, give public keynotes and talks around our work in PriTEM. This page lists all the past and upcoming events in PriTEM, where we detail the program for workshops and conferences, the publicly availability of our PriTEM research seminars, and other events that researchers, practitioners, and students might be interested of.


Time and place: , Holmen Fjordhotell
Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4334)

Topic: Balancing Explainability-Accuracy of Complex Models

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4334)

Topic: Regulatory Privacy in the Energy Sector: Status and Provisions in EU

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4334)

Topic: Privacy-preserving Transactive Energy Management

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4334)

Topic: Rethinking Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading: A Pathway to Social Efficiency

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (5370)

Topic: Exploring Privacy Requirements in Transactive Energy Systems: A Preliminary Research Insight

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4334)

Topic: Safeguarding Energy Optimization of Prosumers via Secure and Privacy-Preserving Data Exchange

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (4118)

Topic: Intention to participate, preferences and decision-making

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal, room 5470

Topic: Behaviour artificial intelligence

Time and place: , Voksenåsen, Ullveien 4, 0791 Oslo
Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal, room 4334

Topic: Overview of open research practices

Time and place: , Gunnar Randers vei 19, 2007 Kjeller, Room 402

This is a physical PriTEM meeting that the PhD and postdoc researchers working on PriTEM work packages present the review of their gathered paper and illustrate the relevance and inspirations of  the reviewed works.

Time and place: , OJD: Ole-Johan Dahls sal (5470)

Topic: Energy management and market operation of smart distribution grids considering the prosumers' behavior

Time and place: , Helga Enghs hus, seminar room 234

Topic: The role of blockchain technology in the energy sector

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, grupperom 4

Topic: Privacy issues in smart grid – concept clarifications and legislation viewpoints

Time and place: , Helga Enghs hus, Seminar room 232

Topic: Societal security and trust in digital society across European regions

Time and place: , Eckbo Selskapslokaler AS

The first PriTEM research seminar