Risk in Law and Regulatory Discourse

Invited talk in PriTEM workshop, March 22-23, 2023, by Tobias Mahler from JUS, UiO

Abstract: This talk discusses the role of risk and risk management in recent EU policy-making in the field of information and communication technology law and beyond. Several recently proposed and adopted laws are “risk-based”, but in reality there are various risk-based approaches that can be employed in regulation. The talk attempts to systematize such approaches, as a basis for future policy-making.

Bio of Tobias Mahler: Tobias Mahler is professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, where he is the legal research leader of the “vulnerability in the robot society” (VIROS) project, the deputy director of the Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law (NRCCL) and the leader of the Legal Innovation Lab Oslo (LILO). He holds a PhD from the University of Oslo, an LLM degree in legal informatics from the University of Hannover, and a German law degree (first state exam). Prof. Mahler is also Director of the Master of Laws Programme in Information and Communication Technology Law at the University of Oslo. He teaches robot regulation, cybersecurity regulation, legal technology and artificial intelligence. Mahler has been a visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and Criminal Law in Freiburg, Germany, and the Stanford Centre for Internet and Society. In 2020 he acted as an expert advisor to the European Commission on drafting the upcoming Digital Services Act.