A Formal Model of Language-Based Privacy in Distributed Systems

Presentation in PriTEM workshop, March 22-23, 2023, by Chinmayi Baramashetru from IFI, UiO

Abstract: Rendering personal data protection in software systems is gaining increasing attention among companies because they need to comply with regulations such as GDPR to process personal data and with user’s privacy preferences. However, recently highlighted inadequacies of implemented systems show no precise translations of the privacy requirements into system design. Hence, we propose a formal framework relying on pi-calculus extension to investigate high-level privacy policy specifications that can be effectively deployed into lower-level languages, thus providing for secure and private process interaction. We present an operational semantics and a bisimulation to equate systems, ensuring that the user’s privacy preferences are preserved in system implementation.

Bio of Chinmayi Baramashetru: Chinmayi Baramashetru is a third-year Ph.D. student in the PSY(reliable system) group at the University of Oslo. Her main research areas are Language-based Security, Privacy, GDPR, Formal methods, and in particular, oriented toward object orientation and open, distributed systems. In addition, she uses various formal modeling concepts like static analysis and operational semantics to reason about safe information flow and privacy properties within distributed systems.