Privacy Issues in Blockchain-based Transactive Energy Systems

Presentation in PriTEM workshop, March 22-23, 2023, by Daniel Gerbi from IFI, UiO

Abstract: Using blockchain technology in transactive energy systems has the capability to revolutionize the process of energy production, distribution, and consumption. However, this technology gives rise to significant privacy concerns, specifically related to the collection, storage, and sharing of sensitive energy-related data. It is crucial to maintain participants’ anonymity, provide a high level of security, and ensure that different systems and platforms can collaborate seamlessly. This presentation will highlight several privacy concerns that arise in blockchain-based transactive energy systems.

Bio of Daniel Gerbi: Daniel Gerbi is currently a doctoral research fellow at the department of Informatics, University of Oslo. His primary area of research is focused on designing secure, privacy-enhanced, and distributed data sharing techniques within transactive energy systems that utilize blockchain technology.