Explain, Predict and Change Prosumer Behavior

Presentation in PriTEM workshop, March 22-23, 2023, by Juliana Zhang from Department of Psychology, UiO

Abstract: Many brilliant technology and innovation struggle to gain user acceptance due to their failure to take into account the human factors in the design process. Similarly, well-intended green initiatives often fail to generate meaningful and sustainable change in behaviour when they fall into the common pitfall of assuming rationality in decision-making and explicability of human behaviours. Instead, our ability to make better decision is often bounded by our cognitive capacity, which in turn leads to the use of heuristics in decision-making and cognitive biases. The presentation will focus on several cognitive biases and how they may manifest in the context of P2P trading, followed by how we may exploit or counter these cognitive tendencies such that we can help to shape better decision-making in energy prosumption. We will also briefly introduce the preliminary design of the first PriTEM study by the Department of Psychology.

Bio of Juliana Zhang: Juliana Zhang is a doctoral research fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Oslo since February 2023.  She has Master's Degree in Work and Organizational Psychology from the University of Oslo and Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Marketing from the National University of Singapore. Her main research interests are human factors and trust in transactive energy management, digitalization, user acceptance and chatbot. For her previous research, she has worked with corporations in Norway to identify organizational factors that affect successfulness of chatbot implementation. The focus of her current research will be the human factors that enhance green initiative uptake and sustained behavioural change through framing and design.