Distributed Optimization for Energy Internet

Presentation in PriTEM workshop, March 22-23, 2023, by Yushuai Li from IFI, UiO

Abstract: Energy Internet (EI) been proposed to deeply use state-of-the-art energy generation, conversion, utilization and communication technologies to enhance system resilience, improve energy efficiency and adopt higher penetration of renewable energy, etc. Distributed optimization is an enabling technology to support the development of EI. The presentation focusses on introducing the new features, requirements and challenges of the future EI. Then, the speaker will introduce multiple state-of-the-art distributed optimization methods to tackle those challenges. The corresponding design concept and theoretical analysis results will also be presented. Finally, the speaker will conclude and point out related open issues.

Bio of Yushuai Li: Y. Li is currently a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway. He received the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from the Northeastern University, China. He has an h-index of 15 and over 1200 citations according to Google Scholar. He received the Best Paper Award from the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) in 2021, the Most Popular Academic Works Award from CCDC in 2021, the 2021 CAA Second Prize of National Natural Science, and the Excellent Young Expert Award from MPCE in 2022. His major interests include distributed modelling, optimization and control for energy internet, parallel machine learning and digital twin technology.