The fourth PriTEM Research Seminar

Topic: Energy management and market operation of smart distribution grids considering the prosumers' behavior

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SpeakerMeysam Aboutalebi from ITS, UiO.

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Abstract: This presentation will holistically overview the proposed paper and its areas of common ground with the PriTEM project. More specifically, the study will highlight the role of the uncertain behavior of prosumers with different energy classes in the optimal energy management of smart grids, considering the technical challenges of the current marketplaces at economic and environmental levels. Following this, the presentation will review the literature on the peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trade framework based on the multi-agent analysis and discuss the overall plan for PriTEM WP4. 

Reference: Aboutalebi, Meysam, et al. "Optimal scheduling of self-healing distribution systems considering distributed energy resource capacity withholding strategies." International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 136 (2022): 107662.

About the speaker: Meysam Aboutalebi holds his master's and bachelor's degrees in Electrical Engineering - Power Systems from Shahid Beheshti University and the University of Tabriz, respectively. He has started a doctoral research fellow at the Department of Technology Systems at the University of Oslo since November 2022. His main research interests are energy management, stochastic optimization, and resilient operation of smart grids based on the marketplace for distributed energy resources.

Published Jan. 25, 2023 12:04 PM - Last modified Jan. 9, 2024 2:21 PM