Titan on sentiment analysis and new SFIs

Today, Titan.uio.no writes about sentiment analysis and how the SANT work will be continued in two new Centres for Research-based Innovation.

Titan.uio.no is UiO's online news site about technology and natural sciences. Its main story today is about sentiment analysis and how we plan to build on the efforts of the SANT project in two newly established so-called SFIs, or Centres for Research-based Innovation; MediaFutures and NorwAI. The article features interviews with SANT managers Lilja Øvrelid and Erik Velldal, as well representatives of some of the media partners; Claes Lyth Walsø of Retriever and Emiliano Guevara of Amedia. Read the full story here.

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Image may contain: Font, Triangle, Monochrome, Illustration, Graphics.


Tags: sentiment analysis, sentimentanalyse, NLP, SFI, NorwAI, MediaFutures
Published Apr. 6, 2021 1:21 PM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2021 1:24 PM