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Green Informatics

The department's commitment to green informatics include methods, technology or processes that enable sustainable and digital transformation.

What is green informatics?

Here “green” is to be understood as environmental sustainability, while “informatics” is interpreted broadly, including electronic and physical systems, interdisciplinary perspectives on the use of information technology, digital transformation and entrepreneurship.

The prioritised subject areas for the Department of Informatics all support green informatics. This includes digitalisation, information security, IT didactics in school, machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as societal challenges such as energy and health.


    No upcoming events

    Research activities


      • CE-RISE
        • Circular Economy Resource Information System
      • REWARD
        • Efficient Recycling of E-Waste through Automated and Intelligent Resource Dataflow
      • LEAP
        • Leveraging Energy-Aware Programming
        • Network on Energy-awareness in Teaching, Informatics and Computations
        • Innovation policy for industrial transformation, sustainability and digitalization
      • Imagine Beyond 5G
      Image may contain: Clothing, Jeans, Hand, Sleeve, Gesture.

      The Green Council

      The Green Council is an advisory body to the department management. Members are appointed by the department management, based on nominations from the research groups.