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Finishing your master's studies

At the end of your master program, you submit your thesis and have a final exam consisting of a presentation and an oral assessment.

Preparation for the master's exam

Before you can register for the master's exam the following must be done:

  • You have to pay the semester fee and be registered for the current semester
  • You must have a submitted and approved study plan agreement 
  • Theoretical curriculum should by general rule be completed and passed in the semester prior to submitting your master's thesis. If you have not done so, contact

Submitting the thesis

Your thesis must be submitted in two separate ways before the deadline: Upload the thesis in StudentWeb and in Inspera.

If you are registered correctly in Studentweb, you will receive a description by email before your deadline. It is your responsibility to make sure your registrations are in order, and to let us know if you notice a mistake.

Have you used AI in your thesis?

Then we strongly recommend that you declare that you have used AI. Ahead this will be mandatory. See UiO's proposal for declaration of AI usage in assignments.

Master presentations

The time and place for the presentation is set by the supervisor, the examiners and the administration. It is public, which means it is open to an audience. The master presentations are held in person and is normally minimum 30 minutes long. After the presentation there will be an oral examination with candidate, the examiners and the supervisor.

In the presentation, the student presents the thesis. The following subjects should be mentioned:

  • The topic in question
  • The subject of the thesis
  • Method and theory
  • Results/conclusions
  • A discussion of the subject compared to prior research

The supervisor will participate at the public hearing, and the examiners will either participate in person or digitally.

The presentation could, combined with the following examination, adjust the final grade of the thesis. The grade is not announced until the presentation is completed.

Optional to print thesis

You shall not hand in printed copies to the administration, but you may print your thesis at Reprosentralen for your own usage. The  Department of Informatics can cover up to four copies of the thesis. If you send in your thesis for printing, you must include the following codes:

Budget code (tiltakskode): 102423076 Location code (stedskode): 15150000


Read more about assessment, examination and requirements in regards to your master's thesis.

Published Sep. 5, 2012 10:30 AM - Last modified June 28, 2024 3:34 PM