Disputas: György Tamás Kálmán

M.Sc. György Tamás Kálmán

ved Institutt for informatikk vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d. (philosophiae doctor)

"Security and Privacy Enhancements in the End-user Domain"

Tid og sted for prøveforelesning

26. aug. 2009 10:15 (Lille auditorium, Informatikkbygningen, Gaustadalléen 23) - The role of authorization management in access control


  • Senior Research Fellow Zsolt Kemény, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

  • Professor Simone Fischer-Hübner, Computer Science Department, University of Karlstad

  • Professor Audun Jøssang, UNIK University Graduate Center

Leder av disputas

Arne Maus


  • Josef Noll
  • Chunming Rong

For mer informasjon

Norwegian introduction:
Forskningsprosjektet har fokusert på bruk av autentisering for å styre tilgang til mobile tjenester og innhold. Dette arbeidet har resultert i en arkitektur for deling av innhold som bl.a. benytter SIM-brikkens kryptografiske funksjoner. Denne arkitekturen kan f.eks. benyttes til P2P fildeling. I tillegg har arbeidet resultert i foreslåtte forbedringer av det europeiske system for reisepass med digital biometrisk verifikasjon.

English summary:
My work was carried out at UniK, Universitetssenteret på Kjeller in co-operation with Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for Informatikk.

The main research task was focused on user authentication and security in mobile services. In this area, I reviewed the possibilities of using the SIM of mobile phones as an authenticator and trusted element in internet services. Contactless interfaces for SIM authentication were also reviewed, which in addition of its usage possibilities in mobile services, resulted in a critical review of the EU biometric passport, with focus on the Norwegian implementation.
The work resulted in an architecture recommendation for a content-sharing system, which uses the SIM’s cryptographic capabilities. This system could be used for a kind of peer-to-peer content distribution, where the sender could stay in control of using his content. This is an enhancement from today’s situation, where mostly the users are sharing either to everybody or a user group (e.g. Facebook, Flickr or own webservers). Also, the SIM’s trusted status from the corporate side opens for service access and also DRM applications. Regarding the biometric passports, I recommended a privacy preserving solution to avoid storage of fingerprints in the passport itself.
A peer-to-peer content distribution system could also be used for different functions. As an example, the possible implementation of a parental control system was discussed. In such a system, the parents would be able to define access rights to content created by the child on the phone (e.g. photos), to protect and limit the distribution to trusted persons only. Based on this idea, a patent proposal was also presented.


For mer informasjon, kontakt Lena Korsnes.

Publisert 25. feb. 2011 08:48 - Sist endret 25. mars 2014 10:49