Disputation:Diana Saplacan

Doctoral candidate Diana Saplacan  at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Situated Abilities: Understanding Everyday Use of ICTs for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Image may contain: Tie, White-collar worker, Chin, Forehead, Tie.

The University of Oslo is closed. The PhD defence and trial lecture will therefore be fully digital and streamed directly using Zoom. The host of the session will moderate the technicalities while the chair of the defence will moderate the disputation.

Ex auditorio questions: the chair of the defence will invite the audience to ask ex auditorio questions either written or oral. This can be requested by clicking 'Participants -> Raise hand'. 

Trial lecture

"The role of language-games in universal design: theoretical and practical issues"

Main research findings

The thesis is positioned at the cross of Human-Computer Interaction (HRI), Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) fields, with Universal Design (UD) concepts and literature being orthogonal to those.


The main thesis’ contribution is the concept of situated ability that emerged from the findings of two different cases included in the thesis. The situated abilities concept is defined, framed, explained, and exemplified with concrete examples. Its anatomy is presented together with the situated ability continuum that includes low- and high-end abilities. The concept is theoretically anchored in Heidegger’s concept of Befindlichkeit (= situatedness). 


Other smaller contributions consist of a salutogenic approach to design, concept development, introducing qualitative data analysis methods well established in the medical field to the design fields, and introducing a workshop method of both data collection and analysis to the HCI community.


The work is relevant for an audience interested in theoretical and philosophical explorations in design research fields, but also practitioners and activists within Universal Design, or those who wish to create ethical or legal frameworks, guidelines, or recommendations addressing the use of modern technology, such as robots, in the public sector (e.g., homecare, healthcare or education).



Contact information to Department: Mozhdeh Sheibani Harat

Publisert 2. des. 2020 15:28 - Sist endret 29. juni 2021 10:22