Disputation: Konstantinos Kousias

Doctoral candidate Konstantinos Kousias at the Department of informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Characterization and ML-based Modeling of Mobile Broadband Networks for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Picture of the candidate

Photo: Private

The University of Oslo is closed. The PhD defence and trial lecture will therefore be fully digital and streamed directly using Zoom. The host of the session will moderate the technicalities while the chair of the defence will moderate the disputation.

Ex auditorio questions: the chair of the defence will invite the audience to ask ex auditorio questions either written or oral. This can be requested by clicking 'Participants -> Raise hand'. 

Trial lecture

«The Evolution of Mobile broadband networks»

Main research findings

  • Mobile Broadband (MBB) networks underpin several essential operations of today’s society by regulating a huge portion of the modern communications system. The recent scientific advances in MBB technologies such as Fifth Generation (5G) and cellular Internet of Things (IoT) will further strengthen the MBB networks’ role, making them the norm in the global mobile telecommunications ecosystem. Given the increasing number of mobile devices and coupled with the high availability of data, it is therefore important to understand the underlying mechanisms that define the behavior of the MBB network performance. In this thesis, we focus on the empirical characterization and modeling of mobile systems. In particular, we are interested in capturing the interplay between numerous network performance metrics including bandwidth, latency, and signal strength. Toward this goal, we exploit experimental platforms to perform controlled, transparent, and replicable real-world measurements and collect a multitude of attributes from operational networks. For the analysis, we design, implement, and propose supervised learning models using data-driven methods and Artificial Intelligence (AI) paradigms.

Contact information to Department: Mozhdeh Sheibani Harat

Adjudication committee:

  • Professor Nur Zincir-Heywood, Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Canada

  • Professor Yong Liu, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, USA

  • Professor Tor Skeie, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway


  • Associate Professor Özgü Alay, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo
  • Associate Professor Antonios Argyriou, University of Thessaly, Greece
  • Professor Carsten Griwodz, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

  • Professor Stephan Oepen, Department of Informatics, UiO


Department of informatics
Publisert 23. mars 2021 10:16 - Sist endret 29. juni 2021 09:59